Selling your own home can be a good choice if you have a potential buyer already interested. Marketing your own home to the general public will take more effort. Those willing to put in the work can save a great deal of money.
Do Check the Timing
Every market has unique timing issues. Few people want to move house in Minnesota in January; August is not a great time to relocate to Phoenix. If your neighborhood has terrific schools and parks, it may be good to be ready to sell your family-friendly home in May.
Keep an eye on improvements planned by the city, county, or state in your area. Large construction projects can offer residents great benefits, but it can make it hard to show your home effectively.
Do Share Information on Renovations and Updates
If you’ve renovated or made updates, be ready to show photos and receipts. New appliances, water heaters, and HVAC information should also be shared. Cosmetic improvements may or may not matter to most homebuyers; many will probably want to choose their own paints and stains.
Sellers will also want to share any warranty information available. If you had the windows replaced a year ago and still have a warranty on the seals and workmanship, get it out and show it to potential buyers. Service records should also be ready for display.
Depending on the age of your home, there is a risk of lead paint exposure. If your home is older and you’ve repainted the entire interior, share the information with potential buyers.
Don’t Boast About What You’ve Overcome
Showing your own home can lead to oversharing. You should absolutely show off the new windows or the renovated basement; you don’t need to share information on rot you found and fixed.
If possible, you want to share the contractor’s invoice and inspection results. Depending on the financing structure used by potential buyers, your property may need to undergo inspections. Anything not up to code may need to be addressed before you can sell.
Don’t Leave Too Many Personal Features Around
Though you’re not working with a realtor, you want to demonstrate that you understand the needs of potential buyers. Stage your home carefully; take the time to declutter and depersonalize the space before you take photos.
There are potential buyers who target FSBO sellers because they believe the seller is desperate or naive. The work you put into staging and presening your home, both in person and in your promotional photos, will allow you to hold to a fair asking price. Keep it cozy if you like; bake cookies and treat your potential buyers well. Just don’t do anything that will reinforce the idea that this space is yours and yours alone. They need to be able to visualize themselves in the space.
The FSBO process is labor-intensive. However, if you’re intent on selling your own home, the work can be worth it. Review the videos and photos offered by local realtors. Visit a few open houses to see what you need to do to stage your home.