The Best Way to Get Started Writing


Writing is a skill that’s attained through a lot of practice. You can’t just sit down and write a great novel, or even an excellent novel. It takes time to learn how to write well, but the first step is the hardest: you have to start writing.

I don’t care what you do, or if it’s for fun or professionally, but I think every aspiring writer should start with something small and consistent. A blog could be a good place to start because it helps you practice writing regularly – not only helps your writing skills – but also allows you to connect with other writers and readers as well as build up your own website (which will help with any future publishing endeavors). If blogs aren’t your thing then try short stories! They’re shorter than novels so they’ll be easier to complete on top of having fewer words per page which means less time spent editing (this is especially helpful if English isn’t your primary language). There are countless other things that can work too; choose something that works for you! Just get started! Don’t worry about finding ideas or finding content; just focus on practicing by putting words on paper (or Word doc). If the idea seems interesting enough then others will likely enjoy it too! So what are some tips? Well firstly…

1) Read More Books & Watch Less TV

The more books you read the better your vocabulary becomes. The content companies are good at this. The best way to find good content is through reading. I’ve watched a lot of TV in my time, but it’s hard for me to recommend any shows (I don’t watch that much TV). If you want some suggestions on what to read, try checking out this: Homeworklib

2) Practice Writing Every Day

For some people this may be easy and for others it might be difficult (i.e., students who don’t have a lot of free time), but I think everyone should try writing every day if possible. It helps with consistency which is essential when trying to improve your writing skills because you can look back at your work from yesterday or last week and see how much better you are today! If you have absolutely no time then just write something small…but write something! You’d be surprised how much progress can come from just a few minutes each day dedicated solely towards writing! And hey, maybe one day you’ll have enough content for an eBook 😉

3) Set Goals & Rewards Yourself When Completing Them

Set goals that are realistic otherwise they’re pointless. It’s fine if your goal is ‘write one page per week’ or ‘write three pages per month’ because those are both achievable goals that aren’t too difficult nor too easy. If you want to write a full novel then that’s fine too, but just make sure you have a plan for how long it might take. For example, if you want to write a 100 page book it could take anywhere from 2-6 hours depending on the amount of detail you wish to include. This is the reason why setting goals and rewarding yourself is so important! When you complete your goals reward yourself by watching an episode of your favorite TV show or eating some chocolate – whatever makes sense for you! Just don’t set goals that are unattainable because when they slip out of your grasp it can be disheartening and demotivate further writing.

Writing is something that I love and I hope you can too. Just remember: set goals, reward yourself, and most importantly – JUST GET STARTED! If you want to start a blog or write more articles on your website then please shoot me an email so we can talk about it – I’m always happy to help :). Also, if you’re looking for some good books to read then check out my book recommendations page as well as my personal book collection (I don’t recommend books that I haven’t read myself). Good luck with your writing ventures!

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