What Are the Maintenance Procedures For a Solar Installation in Hartford CT

If you own a home that uses solar panels, or you are considering investing in them, you are probably curious about the maintenance procedures that are necessary to keep them operating efficiently. In this article, we’ll go over some of the most common maintenance procedures for rooftop and ground-mounted solar panels. We’ll discuss preventative maintenance, cleaning, and even repairing a cracked panel.

Ground-mounted panels vs rooftop panels – is there a maintenance difference

Solar installation services in Hartford CT, rooftop and ground-mounted solar panels are both effective options for solar power. Both types of systems have their own pros and cons, so it’s important to look into your home and your budget before making a decision.

Rooftop panels are usually better suited for older roofs, but newer roofs may have structural integrity issues that could cause damage. Ground-mounted systems are generally better suited to small to medium-sized properties and tightly packed suburbs.

A major benefit of ground-mounted solar systems is the ability to adjust the position of your panels to maximize sunlight. It’s also possible to program your system to tilt in the direction of the sun throughout the day. This can increase the amount of electricity that your solar panel produces.

Preventive maintenance

Having a regular preventive maintenance plan for your solar installation can be the key to long-term success. This way, you can make sure that your system is operating at its highest potential, maximizing your ROI.

Depending on the size of your system, you may need to conduct more frequent maintenance inspections. A yearly review will allow you to spot problems before they become larger. It also reduces the worry factor.

Your solar panels will need to be cleaned from time to time. This is to avoid any dirt from obstructing the sunlight’s path. If the dirt is left on the panel, it will cause it to function at a lower level.

Other preventive measures include surge protection. Solar panels are vulnerable to power surges, and a proper system will help prevent costly damage.

Annual inspections

If you are considering installing a solar panel system, it is important that you make annual inspections. This will ensure that your panels are operating at their best.

The cost of annual inspections is usually a fraction of what it costs to repair or replace the system. Additionally, you may not need to have your panels cleaned if the system is well-maintained.

An inspector will be able to identify small problems. They will check the mechanical mounting structure, cable runs, and insulation. In addition, they will look for any signs of vermin.

If your home is in an area with high winds and frequent storms, you should inspect your system more frequently. These types of weather conditions can cause serious damage to your system.

Cleaning after a heavy snowfall

If you live in a region that gets a lot of snow, chances are you’ll find yourself with a lot of snow on your solar panel. Aside from obstructing your view, the accumulation of snow can also negatively affect the performance of your solar panels.

Solar installation services in Hartford CT, fortunately, it’s possible to clean your solar panels after a big snowfall. Using the right tools is critical. Investing in a good set of snow brushes can help you get the job done in a pinch.

The best way to clear your panels of snow is to block off any pathways and reroute your lawn furniture away from the panels. You can use a leaf blower or a garden hose to accomplish this.

In addition to using the right tools, you may also need to employ the help of a professional. This is especially true if you live in a location that receives a lot of snow in winter. Also, consider having your panels cleaned at regular intervals. Leaving your panels dirty is inefficient and could reduce the amount of energy you generate.

Repairing a cracked panel

When a cracked solar panel is damaged, it can cause problems. These issues include less power output and safety hazards. But with proper maintenance and repair, you can have your solar panel working at its best capacity.

The first step is to examine the damage. If the panel has minor cracks, it is easy to fix. However, if the damage is severe, you may need to replace the entire panel.

Solar panels are highly sensitive to the weather and other external factors. Therefore, they are protected with a waterproof polyurethane coating to prevent moisture from entering the cells. Unfortunately, the coating will eventually wear away.

The best option is to call a professional to fix the cracked solar panel. Some companies charge more than others. You will want to make sure that they have extensive training and experience in the field.


Sun Devil Solarus is an acclaimed solar power supplier that has clients from residential,  industrial as well as domestic backgrounds. We have the simplest to the most advanced solar panel systems that are installed by our professional staff at the designated location of clients. In addition to the solar system, all accessories like battery backups, protective meshwork for panels, and wires and cables are supplied along with the solar set-up.

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