How Painful is Facial Fat Grafting?

How painful is facial fat grafting? During this procedure, the doctor will remove fat from another part of the body, clean it to ensure that it contains only the best quality fat cells, and then inject it into the targeted areas. The recovery period is generally two to three days. After the procedure, the doctor may prescribe pain medication and instruct you to stay in bed for several days. You may experience bruising or swelling, but these should go away within two to four weeks.

Outpatient procedure

After an outpatient procedure, patients will experience mild swelling and bruising after facial fat grafting cost. The recovery time will vary depending on the individual and the approach. Most people can return to normal activity within one to two days after their procedure. Bruising will likely be the worst during the first few days after the procedure. Afterward, patients may resume light activities, but they should avoid strenuous activity for a few days. After facial fat grafting, they can resume light activity. However, they should avoid driving for a few days. The recovery time may also vary based on the lifestyle of the patient.

A small incision is made near the area where you want the volume, contour, and rejuvenation. The incision is strategically placed along natural creases so that it will be virtually undetectable once the incision has healed. The area may be numbed with a bandage or may require minor stitches. The overall recovery time for facial fat grafting is typically about one to two hours. The results of the procedure are usually instantaneous.

Low-impact liposuction technique

The first step in facial fat transfer involves liposuction. The low-impact technique minimizes cellular damage during the collection of fat cells. The surgeon withdraws surface-level fat using a thin hypodermic needle or a special cannula. The surgeon then adds the fat cells to a centrifuge, which separates them from the liquid that surrounds them. The surgeon then removes any damaged fat cells from the fluid and keeps only the healthy ones for injection.

The resulting tissue is injected fat transfer to face. The cosmetic surgeon will first identify the appropriate injection locations for facial fat grafting. This process can help restore volume, hide imperfections, or even craft a new facial contour. In both cases, the surgeon will inject centrifuged purified fat cells into the desired depth. As a result, a natural-looking face can be achieved.

Bruising and swelling after procedure

Bruising and swelling after facial fat implantation vary widely from patient to patient. These effects are primarily due to the actual process of injecting the fat. Most patients can expect to see most of the swelling resolve in a couple of weeks, and bruising also typically follows the same timetable. Bruising is usually mild and temporary, and most patients return to work within a week.

Bruising and swelling after facial fat implantation are normal, though you should limit yourself to resting for the first 24 hours. Resting with your head elevated and avoiding strenuous activity is recommended. During this period, you should also limit your intake of dietary salt. It is also advised to avoid vigorous activity and heavy lifting for one week after the procedure. The doctor may also prescribe stronger pain medication for a period of time.

Recovery time

The recovery time for facial fat grafting depends on the patient. Swelling typically takes two to three days after the procedure. The fat is removed from another part of the body, cleaned, and then injected into the targeted area. After the procedure, you can expect to feel mild discomfort for a couple of days, but the swelling should settle down after a week. Bruising will also usually go away in about four weeks, depending on the patient.


The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia or with mild sedation. You will be instructed to avoid taking aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and high doses vitamin E prior to surgery. Recovery time for facial fat grafting can vary depending on the procedure. In general, patients recover from the procedure in one to three weeks. However, the procedure may require two to three procedures over time.


I am Selim Khan Dipu (Professional Blogger)