On the fateful night of December 31, 2022, a tragic accident unfolded just moments before the dawn of the New Year. Jeremy Franklin, a 36-year-old man from Casselberry, reportedly lost control of his speeding vehicle. As detailed by the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office, Franklin violently collided with another car that was making a left turn at the intersection of Howland Boulevard and Fort Smith Boulevard. Incidents like these highlight the essential role of Florida Drunk Driving Attorneys. They assist victims, as well as those accused, navigate the intricate web of legal procedures following such devastating events.
The Aftermath of the Crash
The impact was so intense that Franklin’s car hit a curb and subsequently crashed into a pole. While Franklin survived with critical injuries, the crash proved fatal for the other driver. Brandon Morales, a 24-year-old resident of Deltona, lost his life on the spot. Given the severity of the crash and its implications, the expertise of Brandon Florida Drunk Driving Attorneys becomes invaluable in such circumstances. They ensure that justice is appropriately meted out and that victims’ families get the closure they seek.
Legal Consequences and the Need for Proper Representation
A few days after the accident, on Thursday, Volusia County deputies apprehended and arrested Franklin in Deltona. He now faces grave charges, including DUI manslaughter and vehicular homicide. With the stakes so high, seeking representation from experienced Drunk Driving Attorneys becomes a necessity for defendants like Franklin. Such professionals provide a comprehensive understanding of the case, ensuring the rights of their clients are safeguarded, regardless of the eventual court verdict.
For reference to a similar accident involving a drunk motorist, consider this Drunk Motorist incident. Engaging with the right attorneys can significantly influence the outcome of drunk driving cases. Always prioritize seeking professional legal advice in situations related to accidents, especially when alcohol is suspected to be involved.