Home Remedies to Treat Indigestion at Home

Indigestion is a condition in which you feel discomfort in your upper abdomen, also known as dyspepsia or an upset stomach. Instead of referring to a specific illness, the term “indigestion” defines a set of symptoms, such as stomach pain and a feeling of fullness shortly after eating. Additionally, indigestion may be a sign of a number of digestive disorders. 

Even though indigestion is frequently experienced, every person may have a slightly different experience. Indigestion symptoms might occur infrequently or on a daily basis. It is usually not a cause for major concern. However, be aware of recurrent indigestion that lowers your quality of life. It can be an indication of a more severe gastrointestinal (stomach and intestines) condition. If you’re living in Pune then you should book an appointment with a gastroenterologist in pune to discuss your gastrointestinal condition. However, most of the time, dietary modifications and medicines are sufficient to manage dyspepsia.

What causes indigestion? 

There are several potential reasons for indigestion. Indigestion frequently has a connection to lifestyle and can be brought on by certain foods, drinks, or medications. Overeating or eating too rapidly, eating too many fatty, oily, or spicy foods, and drinking too much caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, or carbonated beverages are all common causes of dyspepsia. Indigestion can also be brought on by smoking, certain types of medications, painkillers, and iron supplements, as well as by mental diseases like anxiety.

How is indigestion diagnosed?

A medical professional will examine your medical background, present symptoms, and way of living. Try to be as specific as you can while describing your dyspepsia. Make a note of the discomfort you experience and its location. Additionally, let your doctor know if you have indigestion. Does it happen, for instance, on an empty stomach or after eating? Which is worse, the morning or the evening? Are there certain foods that tend to exacerbate the problem?

Your physician will carry out a careful physical examination. They’ll look for any soreness or swelling in your belly. They may listen to your stomach for any unusual sounds it could be made using a stethoscope, a medical device used to hear sounds inside the body. 

Even though indigestion typically doesn’t cause major problems, it can nonetheless lower your quality of life by making you feel uneasy and making you eat less. Your symptoms may lead you to miss out on work or attend school.

DIY home remedies for indigestion

Most people are affected by indigestion or dyspepsia time and again throughout their lives. You might want to try regulating symptoms with foods and herbs you already have in your kitchen rather than reaching for pharmaceutical OTC antacids to help soothe your stomach.

Check out these natural cures for dyspepsia that can work quickly: 

Peppermint tea

More than just a breath refresher is peppermint. It is a fantastic option for treating stomach issues like nausea and indigestion because it also has an antispasmodic effect on the body. After meals, sip on a cup of peppermint tea to immediately settle your stomach or put some peppermint candies in your pocket to savor after meals.

While peppermint can help with indigestion, you shouldn’t consume it when the problem is acid reflux. Because peppermint relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter, which is the muscle that separates the stomach from the esophagus, consuming it might increase acid reflux by allowing stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus. People with GERD or ulcers shouldn’t drink peppermint tea. In that case, you should book a doctor online to discuss your condition. 

Chamomile tea

It is well known that chamomile tea can ease anxiety and promote sleep. By lowering stomach acid in the digestive system, this herb can also reduce indigestion and decrease stomach discomfort. Chamomile also reduces inflammation, which eases discomfort.

Put one or two teabags of chamomile tea in boiling water and let them steep for 10 minutes to make tea. Pour into a cup and, if preferred, add honey. As needed, sip the tea to relieve indigestion. If you use blood thinner medication, then you must consult a doctor before consuming chamomile tea. When paired with a blood thinner, chamomile has a component that works as an anticoagulant, increasing the risk of bleeding.


Ginger can lower stomach acid, making it another natural treatment for indigestion. Too much stomach acid also produces indigestion in the same manner that too little stomach acid does. As often as it is necessary, sip a cup of ginger tea to settle your stomach and eliminate indigestion. You can also make your own ginger water, sip ginger ale, or suck on ginger candies. Add about four cups of water to a pan, and boil one or two pieces of ginger root. Before drinking, flavor with lemon or honey.

However, remember to keep your daily intake of ginger to 3–4 grams. Too much ginger consumption can result in heartburn, indigestion, and throat irritation.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is said to provide a number of health advantages, including the ability to improve skin quality and promote weight loss. It might also aid in reducing indigestion.

Drinking apple cider vinegar will boost your body’s production of stomach acid, which can be increased to prevent indigestion caused by insufficient stomach acid. For immediate relief, mix one to two tablespoons of raw, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar with a cup of water. Alternatively, you can prevent indigestion by consuming the mixture 30 minutes before eating. Even though apple cider vinegar is harmless, excessive or undiluted use might have negative side effects, including low blood sugar, nausea, throat burn, and tooth erosion.


Regular gastrointestinal issues are typical. However, persistent stomach issues might make it difficult for you to eat, sleep, or function. It’s time to contact a doctor if indigestion is impairing your quality of life. There are many experts who can assist with stomach issues. Primary care physicians, dietitians, gastroenterologists, and talk therapists are among them.


Abdus Subhan is the CEO at 7star-seo-expert. He was born and raised in Pakistan where he later pursued his interest in literature by becoming a freelance blogger. He has always been a hard worker and takes great pride in his work. His skills in SEO have allowed him to help businesses boost their online presence and grow their revenue. Abdus Subhan is a firm believer in the power of hard work and dedication. He is always looking for new opportunities to help businesses grow and succeed. Contact Details: