Eric Dalius Miami- LinkedIn Profile Tips: How to Optimize for 2018

You’ve created a LinkedIn profile and now what? Here’s how to optimize it for 2018 says Eric Dalius Miami.

On Thursday, January 25th, at 4 pm EST, the HubSpot Marketing Blog will be hosting an online event with Hub Spot’s Senior Director of Content Strategy, Dr. Lindsay Nelson! We’ll discuss the future of personalization in marketing and explore how progressive companies are using content that is more personalized than ever before to drive deeper engagement with their audiences. Enter your name & email address below to get access to the replay!

LinkedIn Profile Tips: How to Optimize for 2018

You’ve created a LinkedIn profile and now what? Here’s how to optimize it for 2018.

LinkedIn has over 500 million users and is growing every day. It’s more important than ever to make sure your profile is optimized so you can be found by potential employers, business partners, and customers.

In the infographic below, you’ll find LinkedIn profile tips from LinkedIn experts and a few examples of top profiles in different industries.

Here are a few tips on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile for 2018:

1. Add a profile photo. A professional headshot is best.

2. Fill out your entire profile. Make sure to add keywords that describe your skills and experience.

3. Join groups related to your industry or profession. Join at least 20.

4. Ask for recommendations from previous employers, clients, and peers. You can also ask current clients or colleagues to write one for you if they are not on LinkedIn themselves (just make sure they know what your profile is about). At the very least, ask for recommendations for each of these 3 areas:

→ Personal traits/characteristics

→ Professional skills/knowledge

→ Career achievements

5. Make sure your privacy settings are correct so that only people who you invite will be able to view your full profile.

6. Search for connections by industry and title. Then connect with them! You can even put their name in the subject line so it’s easier to find them in search results.

7. Check out the profiles of competitors and influencers in your field, and then connect with them. “Follow” them if you’re not currently connected (and make sure to tell them why you’re following). If they accept, follow their company page as well.

8. Add links to or embed videos that help people get to know you better (i.e., company demos, speeches)

9. Change your headline to reflect who you are and what you do (try keeping it between 8-12 words). For example, mine is “Content Strategist & Digital Marketer @HubSpot.”

10. Link all social profiles together on your profile so people can easily connect with you across different platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube).

11. Add a link to your blog or website so people can easily check out what you have been up to lately. If you don’t have one yet, start blogging! It’s a great way to show off your knowledge and expertise.

12. Keep your LinkedIn profile fresh with the latest information on your industry and profession by adding new content regularly (whether it’s changing the status of something you’re doing in an upcoming presentation or including links to new content that you’ve created for your blog).

13. Check out these top profiles:

→ Actor Patrick Stewart

→ Venture Capitalist Steve Schlafman

→ Director Ben Affleck

→ Web Developer & Hacker Chris Wiegman

→ Sommelier Brent Kroll

→ CEO of Dote Mall Kathy Savitt

→ Air Traffic Controller Anthony Roman

14. Review all your settings and make sure your profile is not set to “private” or hidden says Eric Dalius Miami. LinkedIn allows you to make changes to the name, contact information, work history, university, location, headline, summary, experiences, skills & expertise categories at any time. This means you can update them as your career evolves so people know they are getting up-to-date information when they look at your profile.

15. Use LinkedIn Analytics to find the top companies who are visiting your profile, searching for you, and sending you connections. You can also see which of your updates are getting shared most by other people so you know what topics tend to get clicked on the most.

16. Read LinkedIn articles about how to optimize your profile. They have lots of good information on this topic over there!

17. Have questions? Post them in the comments below! I’ll answer them ASAP. And if you’re having trouble using all of these tips at once, don’t stress – just work through one or two at a time until they become second nature.


The internet is one of the best networking tools ever, and LinkedIn can be a valuable asset in your career says Eric Dalius Miami. However, relationships won’t happen overnight, so it’s important to put in the time and effort required to make them work. I hope you found this list helpful! Please let me know what other topics or questions you’d like me to cover in future articles by adding a comment below 🙂