Benefits Of Flossing: Why include it in your Oral Routine?

Most people continue to believe that brushing their teeth twice a day will be sufficient to prevent plaque, decay, or any other dental problems. Even though brushing is a crucial component of your oral hygiene regimen, it cannot altogether remove all the plaque and food debris that collects along your gum and between your teeth.

For the bacteria and debris that brushing alone cannot reach, using floss (or an interdental cleaner) is also crucial. While toothpicks remove little food particles that get wedged between teeth, doing so is insufficient to maintain healthy gums. Good dental health depends on flossing between the teeth and eliminating the microscopic, invisible food particles.

Here is why Dr. Iffat Batool believes flossing should be a crucial part of your oral hygiene regimen:

1.   Removes Plaque

A sticky bacterial film called plaque can form on teeth and along the gumline. It can be physically scraped off the teeth and gums by flossing. If this build-up is not removed, it can harden and become calculus or tartar, which can cause gum disease and tooth decay.

Flossing involves using a thin piece of dental floss to clean between your teeth and along your gumline, where your toothbrush cannot reach. You can remove plaque and bacteria accumulated in these difficult-to-reach areas by gently rubbing the floss against the teeth and gums.

2.   No More Yellow Stains

Do you brush your teeth daily but still see yellow stains on them? There are several items available that promise to make your smile whiter. You may invest a lot of time and money attempting to make your teeth a few shades whiter, using anything from whitening strips to mouth trays with laser lamps to get rid of those embarrassing yellow stains.

But why not give flossing a go before using all of those products? As we have discussed, plaque and tartar appear yellow, and flossing is an excellent approach to lessen plaque build-up on your teeth. Many people succeed in whitening their smile with a good regimen of brushing and flossing, even if some may discover that their teeth are discolored by coffee or cigarette usage.

3.   Prevents Gum Diseases

Flossing stimulates the gums, which helps in preventing gum disease. By removing plaque and food fragments that can irritate and inflame the gums, flossing can aid in the prevention of gum disease. Untreated gum disease is a common issue that can result in tooth loss.

4.   Prevents Foul Breath

Food fragments can decompose and emit an unpleasant odor if they remain in the mouth for a long time. By removing food debris and germs from the spaces between teeth and the gum line, flossing can help prevent foul breath.

5.   Saves Your Money and Time

Dental floss is less expensive than a visit to a dentist. Do you recall when we said that flossing is a preventive measure? Oral surgery may be necessary to address some of the problems brought on by plaque and bacteria build-up, such as gum disease. Flossing might add a few more minutes to your oral hygiene routine, but it sure will save you from a dental disease. So start flossing right away to save time and money.

6.   Healthy Teeth, Healthy Heart

It may surprise you that flossing can help prevent heart disease since it prevents plaque buildup by eliminating the germs and food particles that can contribute to it. Flossing also helps maintain a healthy tongue which lowers your body’s bacterial load and your chance of getting heart disease.

Additional Tips: Best Dentist in Karachi also advises adding mouthwash to your routine; it kills bacteria and freshens your breath. Keeping your mouth healthy also involves limiting your intake of sweet and acidic foods and beverages and scheduling routine dental checkups and cleanings.