Which licenses do you need before starting a food truck

The food truck industry is growing rapidly, and for good reason. It offers the opportunity to be an entrepreneur without making a huge investment in overhead costs.

The food truck business is a very popular and profitable industry. However, before you can get your business going, there are some licenses you need to acquire. First, you might have to register as an LLC if you’re planning on being in business for more than six months.

But before you can start your own food truck business, here are some licenses you’ll need to obtain:

1. Business license

It is important to have a business license before starting your food truck. The process of getting a license varies from state to state but typically involves submitting an application and paying fees for licensing and permits.

The Department of Health’s Office of Mobile Food Vending Services will inspect the vehicle annually to ensure compliance with regulations such as maintaining safe temperatures at all times; ensuring that customers are protected from contamination by storing raw materials properly.

2. Health permit

As with any foodservice establishment, without a health permit, you cannot sell anything. The permit must be awarded by the Department of Health’s Office of Mobile Food Vending Services before operating your truck business. The requirements and process of obtaining a permit vary from state to state.

3. Fire inspection certificate

Fire safety standards are strict for all places that provide services to the public. As part of fire safety measures, fire inspection certificates are necessary for food trucks. Most cities will require you to present the certificate if requested by law enforcement agencies.

4. Mobile vendor’s license

If your business is based primarily on itinerant sales, you are required to secure a license from the city or county where you plan to do business. The space in which you sell will dictate the type of license required. For example, if you are selling food on street corners or at open-air markets, then a temporary or “peddler” license is what you need.

5. Business insurance

If you want to be fully protected, you need to secure a business insurance policy. This is required by most cities before the health department will issue your permit and is an absolute necessity for food truck owners. You may also have to provide proof of general liability coverage as well as workers’ compensation, depending on the state where you are located.

The cost of the business insurance varies on your location, type of business, and the coverage amount. You can also purchase blanket policies that have a variety of options under one umbrella. This will help you save on policy fees since there is more than one business being covered by the same package.


To start a food truck, you need to be licensed as either a caterer or retail vendor. If you are looking for an affordable way to get started with your food truck business, consider our food truck rental services. We will guide you through the process and provide quality equipment that will keep your customers coming back.

Food truck licenses also vary in different jurisdictions. As such, make sure to research what’s required in your city or county before you apply for a license. It is also a good idea to consult with an attorney who specializes in commercial law to ensure that all applications are filled out correctly and submitted before the deadline expires.

Jennifer Alex

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