What is Service Worker? Role of Service Worker in PWAs.

Progressive Web Apps make use of Modern Web APIs to build cross-platform applications. These are web-based applications with native-program-like features. Additionally, end-users will enjoy using them much like a native app on the web app service creation because they are compatible with PCs, Android, and iOS devices.

Manifest for web applications

What the user sees when the program is activated after installation is determined by this. The splash screen, the theme, and other elements are covered by this. It is kept as a manifest in the database.

Data in JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)

The program’s name is shortened and displayed as a short name on the home screen. The term submitted on the application on the Manifest Generator is referred to as “name.” Start URL” refers to the URL that is loaded whenever the program is launched. When an application is placed on the home screen, it is symbolized by an “icon.”

The display indicates the application’s preferred method of presenting content to the user, for instance, the default theme may be specified by the ‘theme color’ setting, which sets the color of the application’s backdrop.

You will not be given the option to add an application to the home screen, so be sure to put your manifest file in the head element of your HTML text.

How Progressive Web Apps (PWA) is working?

Service workers are helpful to the offline experience on how to develop PWA apps, as was just said. In the vast majority of native programs, even those that require an online connection for certain activities, users can still do various actions even if they lack network connections. Popular native apps that take advantage of this capability include Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp. The programs can still be viewed even though you cannot publish a tweet, follow a Facebook friend, or add a member to a WhatsApp group without a network connection.

The Registration Procedure for Service Workers

The registration is done in a different JavaScript file (index.js in our case), which is required for our application, but all of the work is done in the worker file.

The progressive web app development company will wait for a page to load after the service worker has registered before continuing. When any page within its scope loads, which may be any page, it is installed to work on the page. Although it is set up when the page loads, it is not installed specifically for that page. Every installation keeps adding to the total service manpower.

The Prerequisites for a PWA

1. Installed on the main display (Installation)

Because they can be put on a device and set up on a screen similar to native programs, these types of apps are comparable to native programs.

2. Responsive

PWAs need to respond. A native application that functions like a desktop-view website and requires the user to swipe left and right in order to access the program’s contents is unheard of.

3. Installable

PWAs are compatible with installers. These are not the same as page shortcuts. Programs of this type may be moved to another computer after installation.

4. Network Unrelated

Service personnel’s support improves the offline experience.

5. SSL or HTTPS Secure lock

Due to security issues, Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure must be used. As a result, unauthorized parties find it challenging to obstruct or influence communications between websites and users’ browsers.

Arrangement of the Workforce

The service worker will be installed after the registration process is finished; this only happens once for each scope. Therefore, unless we are attempting to install a service worker that has been newly generated or altered, the installation procedure will be skipped if a service worker has already been installed in the browser for that scope.

We are able to listen to and run specific programs thanks to an event called “install” that is triggered throughout the installation process. A new cache will be created when the service worker is deployed, and we’ll call it version 1. Then, using the addAll() function and the array of files we wish to add as the argument, we add each of our files to the supply.

The activate event is used to carry out operations that, if done while the prior cache version was in use, would have led to the corruption of the cache. For instance, we might free up storage space in this part by deleting outdated cached files or versions that are no longer needed.

The next step is to use the retrieve event to tell the service workers what to do with the cached resources they have in their control when a resource that they manage is requested. Before responding, we make sure that the data in our cache already matches the request. If the cache does not have a good match for the request, we can retrieve it from the network using the OR (||) operator.

The request is saved in the cache on a case-by-case basis after the data has been retrieved. Put () (which takes the request and the clone from the network). To obtain offline copies of subsequent queries made for that resource, do this recommended action.


By using the aforementioned steps and applying them effectively, you have created a successful progressive web application. Future visits to your website by you or anybody else will result in a box inviting visitors to “Add to Home Screen.” If the action is taken, the webpage will be downloaded to the device. Firefox will give you details about the service providers who have registered on your browser.

Another way to check if your PWA’s functions are up and running on the service worker lifecycle is to analyze the application using Chrome Lighthouse.

Users frequently favor native apps over web pages because they can be accessed even when there is no active network connection. As a result, you shouldn’t in any way limit the functionality of your web apps. Find the best IT service provider which provides multiple services such as app development, web development, and progressive web application development services.