What are Social Networks
As far as the Internet is concerned, social media platforms are places where the user interacts with his contacts: family, friends, peers, acquaintances, schoolmates, neighbors … it is with other users. With whom they participate and relate.
These tools allow you to know what your contacts are doing and what they think, share photos, videos, and documents, invite them to events, connect with other professionals, participate in forums, participate in knowledge, create doubts … So it is an open and permanently built online system that brings together individuals with common characteristics that interact with each other. Are
Features of social networks
- Unlike communities, its features are:
- Have a chance
- Based on personal connections.
- User Center. Its network is built around it.
- They are the generators of trends.
- They present social events.
Six types of milligram separation theory.
Social networks are based on the 6-degree theory of separation. This theory states that anyone is connected to all the people of the world through 6 contacts. That is, we can communicate or connect with any person through 6 people. One person knows someone. Someone else knows who in turn knows the other … That’s how we connect with any person.
It also states that, on average, everyone knows about 100 people, including friends, family, and peers from work or school. If each of these friends or acquaintances belongs to 100 other people, anyone can send a message to 10,000 more people from just one friend to send a message to their friends. The Xing Professional Network provides a visual example of this.
Analyzing my network in Xing, we see how the network is increased 100% in the second degree. The same thing happens in the third grade. Thus, after this series in the sixth grade, 500,000,000,000 contacts (500 billion people) will be reached.
As a tool to achieve virality
As a digital marketing strategy, social networks are a tool to help spread word of mouth. Sharing options on social networks or suggesting to a friend via email allows users to share promotions, news, videos, and photos with their contacts. In this way of spreading the message to any other, Advertising is more valuable than a channel since it is the user himself who positively values the news and suggests it to his circle of friends. Without a doubt, getting your message across verbally is your greatest achievement for an online planner or community manager. It’s better to take social media marketing services from a company which has most number of good reviews.
Classification of social networks
Regarding social network rankings, we are taking the orders suggested by a top digital marketing agency Epha Tech on their blog.
Depending on the target audience and the theme, we differentiate between horizontal and vertical social networks.
Famous social networks
Facebook Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Snapchat… these are purposeless networks. Nor do they respond to a specific theme, but it’s true that according to its user profile, each of them is assigned a particular target or geographic location. For example, Twitter users are usually teenagers, while Facebook covers a wider target.
General social networks
They are described around a thematic axis: professional, leisure, geographical…
Professional networks are most commonly used in Viagra, Linked In, and Xing Spain. The user profile is their curriculum: studies, work experience … In addition to staying in touch with other professionals, it is also possible to participate in thematic forums, learn about job offers, Post ads, make calls for events…
Of opportunity, they revolve around a hobby: sports, fashion, motor racing, dating…
Depending on the underlying cause of the contact, the main thing may be a shared content or established relationship:
Social networks YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, Spotify; the purpose is to share multimedia content (photos, videos, documents, music ;). To enjoy the article, it is usually unnecessary to be a “friend” of the person who posted it.
Human Relationship Social Network The goal is to build relationships based on relationships, interests, or concerns.
In future posts, we will analyze some of these social networks in more detail and see how to make them more profitable in our marketing strategy.