Things You Need to Know About Optchain’sCarbon Tracking

Optchain’s carbon-tracking solution is your one-stop shop to start decarbonizing your supply chain. This innovative solution offers a range of capabilities that help you understand your carbon footprint, track your supplier data in real-time, and produce trustworthy carbon-footprint declarations for all your products. But that’s not all it does. Optchain’s carbon tracking solution also increases visibility over your digitized supply chain to enhance its performance and helps you digitize your data with proven, up-to-date traceability technologies.

Calculate GHG Inventory

Optchain’s first capability is to calculate your GHG inventory. This is the starting point for any organization looking to decarbonize its supply chain. With Optchain’s solution, you can easily calculate your GHG inventory, including scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. This allows you to identify which areas of your supply chain are contributing the most to your carbon footprint and prioritize decarbonization efforts accordingly.

Track Your Supplier Data in Real-Time

Optchain’s carbon-tracking solution also allows you to track your supplier data in real-time. This means that you can easily monitor your suppliers’ carbon emissions and identify any areas where improvements can be made. By doing so, you can work collaboratively with your suppliers to reduce your collective carbon footprint, ultimately leading to a more sustainable supply chain.

Accurately Monitor Your Scope 3 Emissions in Real-Time

Scope 3 emissions are indirect emissions that are generated in your supply chain. They are often the most challenging to track and manage, but with Optchain’s solution, you can accurately monitor your scope 3 emissions in real-time. This is an essential capability for any organization looking to decarbonize its supply chain, as scope 3 emissions often make up a significant proportion of the overall carbon footprint.

Produce a Trustworthy Carbon-Footprint Declaration for All Your Products

Optchain’s carbon-tracking solution allows you to produce a trustworthy carbon-footprint declaration for all your products. This is an essential capability for any organization looking to be transparent about its carbon emissions and demonstrate its commitment to sustainability. With Optchain’s solution, you can easily produce a carbon-footprint declaration for every product in your supply chain, providing your customers with the information they need to make informed purchasing decisions.

Increase Visibility Over Your Digitized Supply Chain to Enhance Its Performance

Optchain’s solution also increases visibility over your digitized supply chain to enhance its performance. By digitizing your supply chain data, you can identify areas where efficiency can be improved, reducing waste and ultimately leading to a more sustainable supply chain. This capability is particularly important for organizations looking to achieve carbon neutrality, as every improvement in efficiency can contribute to reducing the overall carbon footprint.

Digitize Your Data with Proven, Up-to-Date Traceability Technologies

Finally, Optchain’s carbon-tracking solution helps you digitize your data with proven, up-to-date traceability technologies. By doing so, you can ensure that your data is accurate, up-to-date, and easy to access, making it easier to identify areas where improvements can be made. This capability is essential for any organization looking to decarbonize its supply chain, as it allows you to make data-driven decisions and work collaboratively with your suppliers to reduce your collective carbon footprint.


In conclusion, Optchain’s carbon-tracking solution is an essential tool for any organization looking to decarbonize its supply chain. With a range of capabilities that include calculating GHG inventory, tracking supplier data in real-time, monitoring scope 3 emissions, producing trustworthy carbon-footprint declarations, increasing visibility over your digitized supply chain, and digitizing your data with proven, up-to-date traceability technologies, Optchain’s solution provides everything you need to start decarbonizing your supply chain today. So why wait? Get in touch with Optchain today and start your journey towards a more sustainable supply chain.