The Utility of Roller and Fire Shutters
Roller shutters are a vital component of contemporary security and weather protection systems. Consisting of numerous horizontal slats hinged together, these functional architectural features are primarily utilised as doors or window shutters.
Designed to be raised for opening and lowered to close, larger doors can incorporate motorised actions for ease of use. Roller shutters offer versatile protection against wind, rain, and theft, making them ideal for a multitude of settings such as vans, garages, kitchens, schools, prisons, and warehouses. In countries like Germany and Spain, they’re even adopted as window blinds.
Insulation and Security
Not just physical shields, roller shutters can also serve as potent insulators in areas frequently subjected to inclement weather. They are designed to protect windows against hail damage and can withstand high winds. Manufactured from durable materials like aluminium, roller shutters are hard to penetrate, providing an extra deterrent against vandalism and burglary attempts.
In addition to being a significant security feature, roller shutters are also excellent noise absorbers, reducing sound that enters or leaves your property, thereby offering additional privacy. Furthermore, they aid energy efficiency by providing insulation.
Different Versions
Industrial roller shutters offer several benefits such as enhanced security, weather protection, energy efficiency, noise reduction, durability, fire protection, and quick operation, making them an ideal fit for busy industrial settings.
But the utility of roller shutters extends beyond conventional versions. Heavy-duty variants are also available, featuring interlocking aluminium or steel slats, well-suited for diverse industrial settings. Some of these shutters can be fire-rated, combining fire integrity with heat protection where temperature rise ratings are required.
It’s important to note here that fire-rated roller shutters are a type of fire shutter, but not all fire shutters are fire-rated roller shutters. So what are fire shutters?
Fire Shutters
Fire shutters are a specific type of shutter designed for fire protection. These custom-built shutters act as structural barriers, compartmentalising the building and preventing the spread of fire and smoke. They are made from fire-rated materials and are typically installed on windows, doors, or other openings. These shutters are UL labelled and can withstand fire for up to three hours. They’re mainly used on exteriors to prevent fire from spreading to nearby structures. However, fire shutters have their limitations. They are not suitable for wide or unusually shaped openings and cannot turn corners.
Distinct from non-fire roller shutters, fire shutters are made from fire-rated materials and are designed with fire resistance in mind. The significant difference is that fire shutters are designed to prevent fire from spreading within a building and are equipped with activation systems that respond to the detection of fire. Fire shutters are usually heavier and bulkier, serving as part of active fire protection systems.
Contact A1S Group
For over 33 years, A1S Group has been leading the industry, manufacturing and installing vertical and horizontal fire curtains, smoke curtains, fire shutters, and roller shutters. Our portfolio includes numerous landmark projects such as Selfridges Oxford Street, Qatar 2022 World Cup Stadia, the 2018 RIBA award-winning Bloomberg Building, and the New Scotland Yard headquarters.
We offer an innovative range of Flameshield Fire Shutters, designed not only to provide the required fire safety but also to enhance the aesthetics of your secured premises with clean lines and discreet internal motors. Our products are CE marked, in accordance with BS EN 16034, a legal requirement for all UK fire shutters, and are subject to external factory audits.
We are proud to offer fire safety and security solutions that meet regulations and do not spoil the look of a building. Contact A1S Group today to find out why we are the contractors’ choice for supplying and installing fire curtains, smoke curtains, and fire shutters.
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