Many people argue that memory loss is an age-related problem. However, in Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, memory loss pertains to the recently learned information. Forgetting important dates and events, repeatedly asking for similar information, and increasing dependence on electronic devices for reminders and alarms are a few signs that you take their condition seriously.
Given below are a few elements that are red flags and you need to take immediate action and provide your loved ones with memory care.
Losing Track of Place and Time
An older adult affected by memory loss conditions often confuses themselves with the given place and time. They can lose track of dates, days, and seasons. They can forget locations and not know to come back to their safe zones, leaving them scattered. A memory center can manage all these symptoms in the early stages. A 2019 study states that cognitive training for patients with mild to moderate dementia showed overall benefits in mental rates that can last for at least a few months. With many aids and memory exercises that the memory care facilities in Bridgeport, CT, offer, the older person can get the management and treatment they require.
Challenges to Solve Basic Problems
When you see your loved one having issues with thinking abilities, including developing plans, keeping track of bills, and making occasional errors in things they handled for years, altogether is tough. Other symptoms include difficulty focusing and concentrating on a particular subject compared to their younger self. People suffering from memory loss often find it challenging to complete daily tasks. Such memory loss in carrying out daily activities can harm the person if their family members ignore the changes. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor older adults to prevent any miss happenings continuously.
Struggles with Vocabulary
People suffering from memory loss have difficulty following a conversation. They may not have an idea about what they are saying and may repeat the same things over and over again. Suppose you spot your loved ones struggling with finding the right words to converse, speaking, or writing. In that case, you can enroll them in memory care in Connecticut, which can help the participants sharpen their memory by providing useful tips.
Decreased Ability to Retrace Steps
Do you notice your loved one misplacing things and losing the ability to trace back things? People suffering from memory loss are often unable to retrace steps regarding the things they are doing for ages. They also might accuse someone of theft. Nevertheless, they do it unintentionally, and this is a significant red flag to realize that there is something wrong with the brain’s normal functioning. Moreover, with the hassle with their family members, most dementia patients can undergo depression. A systematic review from a 2019 study suggested that stimulation, psychological treatment, and music-based theories improve the signs of depression and anxiety and improve patients’ quality of life with dementia. Cognitive behavior therapy is one of the essential programs that memory care communities employ to facilitate a vast patient pool.
Less Interest in Social Activities
Active older adults are healthier and are less prone to brain degeneration. People with memory loss conditions often seek themselves away from social activities. Such withdrawal from hobbies, sports, and exercise can hinder their lifestyle and health. Some older adults are aware of the changes and decide to refrain from any social activities they previously persuaded. In light of this, if you notice such behavior, it is wise to support them and let them know that mingling with memory care programs can get them to withstand the severe changes in their health.
Several studies show the positive effects of exercise on the minds of memory loss patients. For instance, a meta-analysis study found that combinations of aerobic and anaerobic exercises positively affect people’s cognitive function with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Another study also proved that exercise improves the overall cognitive function and can slow down patients’ cognitive decline.
Poor Judgment and Decision Making Process
Many older adults face the traumas of poor decision making, giving strangers an edge over them. An example of this is when they go shopping and buy things on their own, eventually paying more than they were supposed to.
For a person suffering from memory loss, their home becomes their safe zone, and they do not want to cross any boundaries. They readily become defensive when questioned; feel confused and suspicious. All such symptoms lead to depression and other mental illnesses. Getting easily upset over mere things can lead the family members to get rid of them or place them in old aged homes. However, they need specialized care, and memory care communities can aid the loved ones by helping out their older adults with their expert care.