home improvement

Pool Maintenance & Cleaning – The Secret to a Sparkling Pool

The secret to a sparkling pool is simple: clean it with homebuckets. In fact, if you haven’t cleaned your pool since you set up the chemicals and filter, it’s probably time for a deep cleaning.

While many homeowners think that cleaning a pool is more labor intensive than maintaining it, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, pool owners who make it a regular habit of keeping their pools clean can enjoy an extra year of enjoyment out of their investment.

In addition to being a great way to increase your home’s curb appeal by creating an inviting environment for neighbors and friends to gather around, swimming in a clean pool can also help prevent illness and even save lives.

Why is Pool Maintenance & Cleaning Important?

When you own a swimming pool, you should understand that maintaining it properly is one of the most important things that you can do to make sure that it stays in tip-top shape. The reason why this is so important is because not only do you want your pool to look great, but you also want it to be safe for your family and guests. You don’t want any accidents or even worse injuries happening at your pool party because of poor maintenance of your swimming pool.

In addition, when it comes to cleaning your swimming pool, you will want to make sure that it is done regularly so that the water does not become dirty and algae starts growing in the water. When this happens, the smell becomes unbearable and can make some people sick after spending time in such an environment. If left untreated for too long, this can lead to other problems as well such as rotting wood in the liner and pipes which could lead to leaks or breakdowns in functionality of your equipment.

The best way to ensure that these problems don’t occur is by having a company comes out every few months or so and clean up all of these issues while they are still relatively small so they don’t get out of hand before they start causing major problems down the road.

Pool Maintenance & Cleaning Basics

You must maintain a regular cleaning and maintenance schedule if you want to keep your pool tidy and well-maintained. The fundamental procedures for cleaning and maintaining a pool are as follows:

Skimming & Brushing

The two simplest and most fundamental pool maintenance procedures are skimming and brushing. Skimming is the process of employing a skimmer net to collect leaves, insects, and other floating debris from the water’s surface. In contrast, brushing entails washing the pool’s walls, floor, and stairs to get rid of any accumulated algae, debris, or other impurities.

For optimum upkeep, experts advise brushing and skimming your pool at least once each day.


Another critical job in maintaining and cleaning pools is vacuuming through Intex pool care. It requires thoroughly cleaning the pool’s sides and floor using a pool vacuum. Pool vacuums come in three varieties: robotic, automatic, and manual. While automatic and robotic vacuums can complete the task for you automatically, manual vacuums require you to do the work yourself.

Once a week, or more frequently if your pool is heavily used, is what experts advise.

Testing & Balancing the Water

For a swimming pool to remain secure and healthy, the water’s chemistry must be kept in check. You must frequently test the water in your pool and adjust the chemical levels as necessary. pH, alkalinity, and chlorine are the three most crucial chemical values to keep an eye on.

Between 7.2 and 7.8 should be the pH, between 80 and 120 should be the alkalinity, and between 1 and 3 should be the chlorine level. You must use the proper chemicals to correct any levels that are either too high or too low.

The water in your pool should be tested and balanced at least once a week or more frequently if you use it frequently, according to experts.

Cleaning the Filter

The filter is a mechanical part of the pool system and must be cleaned regularly. The filter should be cleaned at least once per week, especially if the water is cloudy or brownish. If you do not clean your filter regularly, there will be dirt and debris in your pool, which can lead to algae blooms.

The easiest way to clean a pool filter is to remove the cover plate and rinse it out with a garden hose. If you have an automated cover plate, simply lift up on it and remove it from the bottom of your pool. Then, rinse out any debris that has accumulated on the bottom of your pool using a broom or netting rake.

You should also clean out all of the debris inside of your pool as well. This includes leaves, twigs and other things that have fallen inside of your pool during storms or other times when there was little rainfall outside. You should use a garden hose to spray water into each corner of your swimming pool to ensure that all areas are clear of any debris that may have fallen in during storms or other times when there was little rainfall outside.

Syed Qasim

Syed Qasim ( CEO IQ Newswire ) Is a highly experienced SEO expert with over three years of experience. He is working as a contributor on many reputable blog sites, including MoralStory.org, NyBreaking.com, Stephilareine.com, Theinscribermag.com