Nose Implants 101: Everything You Need to Know about Reshaping Your Nose

The nose job procedure may be performed under local or general anesthesia and typically lasts 45 to one hour. Swelling, bruising and discomfort are normal responses but should subside within several days.

What is a Nose Implant?

An artificial nose implant is a synthetic material designed to alter the shape of your nasal tip and bridge, or correct structural issues like deviated septum deviation. Rhinoplasty involves surgery where an incision is made inside each nostril or across the columella (thin strip of tissue between nostrils) so they can access underlying cartilage and bone structures for implant placement.

Based on your preferences and plastic surgeon expertise, you may opt for either silicone or Gore-Tex implants. Silicone tends to be easier and more accommodating of soft tissue changes that occur around it than Gore-Tex implants.

Gore-Tex implants tend to integrate more readily with tissue and are harder to remove, making them popular among surgeons who wish to provide their patients with an aesthetically pleasing appearance.

What are the Benefits of a Nose Implant?

Implants can help enhance the height of a nasal bridge, enhance tip definition and correct overall proportions of a nose. Furthermore, deviated septum (when one wall that separates nostrils bends or crooks) can be corrected using this implant method.

Implants may be made of synthetic materials like silicone or Gore-Tex, or constructed using cartilage from one’s own body (rib cartilage, for instance). Gore-Tex implants are popular due to their porous nature; this allows them to look more natural once in place and they merge more easily with surrounding tissues when placed inside a nose; however, their porous texture also makes revision more challenging if complications such as hematoma arise post-surgery. For better treatment consult with a plastic surgeon in Mumbai.

Under general or local anesthesia with sedation, this outpatient surgery typically lasts an hour to two. Once finished, the surgeon applies a splint and packs your nose with absorbent dressings; both will come off within a day or two.

What are the Complications of a Nose Implant?

Rhinoplasty is a commonly performed surgical procedure to alter the size, shape or proportions of one’s nose. Additionally, Rhinoplasty may be used to repair injuries sustained in accidents or birth defects, or improve breathing difficulties.

Procedure involves making incisions inside of your nose and making small separations between bone and cartilage to reshape its form, whether for cosmetic reasons or correcting deviated septum issues (which impact breathing). Additional cartilage might come from deeper inside parts of the nose, the ear canal or approved cadaver cartilage sources.

How can a Nose Implant Help Me?

If you have a flat nose and would like to increase its length, width, or height, a nose implant may help achieve facial balance and bring you closer to what you desire. This procedure can be completed either outpatient or hospital setting and has become incredibly popular over time.

At the outset of the process, your nose and its surrounding area will be given local anesthesia before being prepared for surgery. After making an incision in either an open or closed Rhinoplasty or nose job procedure – either within nostrils (leaving no visible scars behind) – or across columella (allowing surgeon to lift skin over nasal bone/cartilage in order to insert implant).

Once implanted, it will be sculpted for a more natural appearance and definition before being covered with a small splint and its incision closed with self-dissolving sutures.