You’re in a tough spot. You need money, but your credit is so bad that you’re not sure where else to turn. And you know that if you can’t get a small loan from somewhere local, there’s no way you can get approved for one on the internet.
But wait—there’s hope! The internet does have its benefits: You can find an online title loan broker with just a few clicks of the mouse and never leave your home or office again.
Here’s how to get approved for a title loan online and how to avoid common mistakes when applying.
Find a Good Company Online
The first thing you should do is find a good company online. You can do this by checking out the company’s website, its Better Business Bureau rating, and its social media pages. You should also look at their reviews on sites like Yelp, Google Reviews, and Facebook. You’ll want to make sure that they have a good reputation among customers before signing up for anything from them!
Complete an Application Online
Once you understand the process and what is required to get your loan approved, it’s time to apply. To do this, complete an application form online by providing all the requested information.
- Provide your contact details such as name, address, phone number, and email address if you have one.
- Provide your vehicle details, including make/model number, year model, and VIN number (vehicle identification number). If possible, provide pictures of the car so they can see what it looks like in case there are any discrepancies later on during the processing or approval stages, etc…
- You need also provide employment details such as employer name; job title/role at work; a company where you are employed; annual salary earned per month, etc.
You Can Get a Quick Approval
You can get quick approval for your title loan. The process is fast and easy so that you can get cash in no time.
As designed by Mila Garcia, co-founder of iPaydayLoans, you are able to apply for a payday loan by filling out an information form offered by an online broker and connecting with one of the best lenders in the market.
Filling out the form is incredibly easy when you have all the legal information and identification documents.
If you are in luck with their easiest form-filling requirements and other online processes, you can get a title loan very soon.
Get Your Cash
Once your application is approved, the lender will send over a check or money order for your cash. You can get your cash in a quick way. If you have an emergency and need cash right away, then this is the way to go!
Information that You Should Prepare
To get a title loan approved online, the lender will require some information from you. Here are the basic requirements:
- Acceptable vehicle title
The first thing you need to do is find a vehicle that would be eligible for a title loan. To find out if your chosen car is eligible, look up the car’s VIN number on an online database.
If it’s not listed, try searching “Title Loans” in Google and see if any local lenders have profiles available.
If you’re approved for a title loan, then you’ll need to provide some additional information about yourself and your co-signer (if applicable).
You’ll also need to have proof of ownership over this vehicle—you can use something like an insurance card or bill of sale from when the car was purchased—and some form of identification for yourself, such as an ID card or passport with a photo ID attached.
- Proof of insurance
Proof of insurance form is required to get a title loan approved online.
The lender will ask you to provide a copy of your insurance card or policy, as well as any other documents such as an insurance declaration page and bill.
If you don’t have any of these things on hand, contact your auto insurance provider and ask them for what they would need from you in order for them to approve your application for a title loan online.
- Proof of identity
You should have identification documents with you when applying for a title loan.
- Identification Documents: A valid driver’s license or state ID card, passport, and social security card are the most common forms of identification that lenders will accept.
In addition to these documents, some lenders may ask for other forms of identification, such as birth certificates or utility bills, as proof that you live where your loan will be used (e.g., rent an apartment).
- Proof of income
You need to provide proof of income. You can do this by either providing a pay stub or recent bank statement, tax return, or W2 and 1099 for the past year.
You should make sure that you have enough time between now and when your loan closes (the date on which you receive your cash) as well as after the closing date before taking out a title loan so that you can pay off all of your debts in full within 30 days after getting approved for one.
- Authorization for the credit check
Before you can get a title loan approved online, you’ll need to authorize a credit check.
You will need to provide the following information:
- Your social security number (SSN)
- Your driver’s license number (DLN)
- A valid email address for yourself or your credit card company; is important because once you apply for a title loan, they will send it via email. If there is no working email address associated with your account or you don’t have access to one, this step may not work for you! Make sure that an actual person receives these emails so they can respond back as soon as possible!
If everything goes well after all these steps above are taken care of, then congratulations!
If you need fast cash, you can apply online and get a loan approved in minutes. If all goes well, you’ll receive your funds within a few days. The best part about using this service compared to others is that it’s very simple and straightforward. You just have to fill out an application, provide some basic information like your contact information and driver’s license number, then sit back while the company does all the hard work for you.