How to Create an Energy Orgasm?

Anyone can experience energy orgasm. It is easy to learn the skills. Believe that you can do this, practice it, understand your body’s unique potential and just do it.

To achieve energy orgasm, you need to breathe, move your body, release sounds and visualize.

Here’s how to have energy that blows your mind. Let’s get started.

1.With your knees bent, lie down and relax. Breathe in deeply and slowly to let the tension go. Let go of all thoughts.

2. After you have established a deep rhythmic belly breath (bellying), you can continue to deepen your airflow by exhaling through both the nose as well as the mouth. To allow your breathing to become continuous, use a circular breathing method that does not interrupt between exhales and inhales.

3. You can use visualization to inflame erotic emotions by focusing your mind on the genital area. You might want to think about something erotic as a way to get started. To increase sexual energy, you might also consider striking your body. Give yourself permission to let go of control and to fully open your eyes to all possibilities.

4. By inhaling, rock your pelvis while arching the lower back. While exhaling, push your pelvis upwards while flattening your stomach. Continue to undulate as if you are a serpent building sexual energy.

5. You can stimulate your genitals by grabbing your PC muscle with an exhale. Inhale on the inhale and let go on the exhale. Repeat this repeatedly, allowing yourself the sensation of being erotic while your legs relax and open naturally.

6. “Energy flows from thought,” so while you are inhaling deeply, a picture that you are drawing energy “from the earth/atmosphere” into your sexual center via your perineum, into the Root Chakra and the genitals. Think of the energy as a glowing glow that creates warmth in the sex organs.

7. Next, bring that fire to your 2nd Chakra. It is located below your navel. Consider your spine as a conduit that directs this energy throughout your body. Feel the energy build up in the navel until you feel it glowing strongly. Imagine the energy flowing in a circular motion from your genitals back to your navel.

8. Once you have stabilized flow, draw energy to your third chakra, the solar plexus. After that, pull the energy down to your groin and make it a glowing fire. You can imagine this fire like a ball or yellow light burning inside you.

9. Continue to draw the energy upward through the genitals through the spine and up into the crown. Do this in a continuous loop, expanding outward from the root center of your being in a globe, until that energy is radiating from your head like water.

10. Surrender! Surrender and accept whatever is presented to you. Surrender to your feelings and to the flow of energy.

What could happen during an Energy Orgasm

Ecstatic feelings are common in energy orgasm. You might feel your body sink into the waves or experience a floating sensation. There may be a sensation of tingling in your extremities, like sparks or fireworks shooting through you. Or you may feel your body erupt in spasms. You might see, hear, feel, or sense colors or flashes of light. The 6th sense, along with your other senses, maybe activated as well by smells and flavors.

Allow yourself to be overwhelmed by these feelings until they pass. Allow yourself to do whatever is natural, including screaming, melting, laughing hysterically, floating, and riding the waves.

Don’t worry if you don’t experience these feelings immediately. It might take more practice before you are able to achieve a full-body orgasm.

Energy orgasms may also be very emotionally charged. It can cause you to laugh, cry, recall past experiences, or make you feel weird. This is because your body is cleansing and aligning its chakras by releasing stagnant energy.