How To Clean Your Upholstery Easy With These Simple Tips

There’s nothing worse than an old, dirty mattress or couch that looks like it has been in the same spot for five years.


If you have furniture that is fabric upholstered, then it is important to take care of it to keep it looking new. There are a few easy steps that you can take to clean your upholstery without having to go through a professional cleaning service. Here are some tips on how to clean your upholstery: 

-Wet the area to be cleaned with warm water and a mild soap.

-Blot the area dry with a cloth or paper towel.

-Use a furniture polish or cream if desired. 

-If the fabric is delicate, be sure to use caution when polishing as too much friction may damage the fabric.

How to Do it The Right Way

If you have ever tried to clean your upholstery yourself, then you know it is not easy. Even if you use the right cleaner and follow the instructions carefully, it can still be a difficult task. Here are four tips for cleaning your upholstery the right way:

1. Start by prepping your furniture for cleaning. Make sure all surfaces are clean and free of dirt, dust, and other debris. Wipe down any areas that may be stained or damaged.

2. Choose the right upholstery cleaner. There are many different types of cleaners available, and each one will work better on specific types of upholstery. Make sure to read the label before using the cleaner to ensure that it is safe for your furniture.

3. Apply the cleaner in a concentrated area. Be careful not to apply too much pressure while cleaning; over-spraying can damage your furniture.

4. Rinse off the area thoroughly with water after cleaning has been completed. Let the furniture dry completely before using it again.

Best Upholstery Cleaners

If your upholstery is looking a little grubby, there are a few easy steps you can take to clean it yourself. Here are some of the best upholstery cleaners on the market:

1. Hot water and soap – This is probably the most common way to clean upholstery. Fill a pot with hot water and add enough soap to cover the fabric. Soak the upholstery for a few minutes, then scrub with a brush.

2. Vinegar and water – Another popular method is to mix equal parts vinegar and water, pour it over the fabric, and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Scrub the fabric with a brush before rinsing off.

3. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser – If all else fails, you can use Mr. Clean Magic Erasers on most upholstery surfaces. Just make sure you test a small area first to make sure it won’t damage the fabric.


Upholstery can be a very challenging task to clean, but with these easy tips, you can make sure your upholstery is looking its best. Be sure to read the entire article for specific instructions on how to clean each different type of upholstery, as well as additional helpful tips and tricks. If you’re having trouble cleaning  upholstery, don’t hesitate to give us a call at our office — we would be more than happy to help!