Teachers are some of the most important people in our society, but they’re often not given the respect they deserve. This is especially true when it comes to their well-being. Teachers can face stressful situations and difficult decisions on a daily basis, which can take a toll on their mental health if they’re not careful. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to find balance in your life as a teacher so that you can be happier and healthier at work—and more effective with your students!
Set your teaching goals.
Setting your teaching goals before you start is important, especially if you have a lot of experience under your belt. It’s not about what other people think about your goals either. You know what? It doesn’t matter that much to the world whether or not you become a teacher in the first place—it matters more that you are happy and healthy, so go after those things too!
Set non-negotiable priorities in your life.
Teaching is a very demanding job. You’re expected to do everything, and do it well—but realistically, that’s impossible. When you set priorities for yourself, you’ll be able to focus on what’s most important and ignore the things that aren’t as pressing.
In your daily life, there are certain things that will always come first: family obligations (which don’t always have an easy time fitting into an already full schedule), housework and yard work, sleep (if possible), exercise, and healthy eating habits (also not always easy). After these things have been taken care of, then you can start thinking about school-related tasks like grading papers or planning lessons for next week’s class sessions.
You may also want to consider setting some personal goals aside from teaching; if there are things in your life that make you happy or bring joy into your world, don’t let them fall by the wayside while chasing after dreams only tangentially related to education!
Take care of yourself.
The first step to taking care of yourself is making the time to do so. Make sure you are having time off during the week, whether for lunch or during your prep period.
If you can’t take time off during the day, try to find ways to have some sort of physical activity at least once per week. I know that there are days when even this seems impossible, but it is important for teachers’ mental health as well as their physical health. If your schedule doesn’t allow for a full day off (which I believe should be possible), then get up an hour early or stay up an hour late and go on a walk before or after school.
One thing I did when I first started teaching was set aside two days per month where I would not answer emails or texts from anyone other than students and my parents (and yes, they were allowed to text me). This was essential in helping me decompress after weeks where everyone seemed determined not just to get into my face but right on top of me!
Professional Development
Professional development for teachers can be a great way for teachers to learn new skills and gain inspiration. However, it’s often not easy to find the time in your schedule to go back to school or take classes. If you are looking at short-term options, consider these tips:
- Use the scheduler on your phone or computer. If you’re not already scheduling time for professional development into your calendar, now is the time! Make sure that you have scheduled professional development as if it were an appointment with a friend—because remember: this is important stuff! Put yourself first when making these plans; don’t let anyone make excuses or try convincing you otherwise because they “can’t make it.” You need this!
- Consider online classes that fit into your schedule well (and might even earn credit hours). There are many great online institutions offering high-quality certification programs with flexible scheduling options so that teachers can attend class during non-classroom hours (i.e., before school starts or after work ends). Just be aware of whether or not that option will be available when pursuing higher education at one of these schools before enrolling—some institutions only offer face-to-face instruction while others may allow students’ schedules flexibility but require them all to attend classes together regardless of location at specified times throughout each semester/quarter/year (or whatever timeframe applicable).
By finding balance in their lives, teachers can be happier, healthier, and more effective at their jobs.
Teachers are under a lot of pressure. Their students’ lives depend on them teaching well; they have to teach the material effectively; they have to make sure that each student learns it; they have to ensure they’re all happy and healthy. They also need to keep up with new technologies that change how we learn every day. This is not easy! In order for teachers to find balance in their lives, they need time for themselves: time away from work so that when they do get into work mode, they are refreshed and ready for whatever comes next. They also need some way of letting off steam or just relaxing because if you don’t do this after dealing with a bunch of kids all day long then your brain will explode!
These are all great ways to find balance as a teacher. Remember that you have to take care of yourself and be happy in order to be the best teacher possible. If you feel overwhelmed by your job or if you’re experiencing burnout, make sure to talk with someone about it so they can help you find solutions.