How Can E-Learning Help In Teaching English Language?


What are e-learning and ed-tech?

The term Ed Tech stands for Education Technology. It is also referred to as e-learning and covers all the types of learning that rely on technology. 

Education technology aims to make it easier for children to acquire knowledge by integrating technology into education. With the help of technology, a diverse educational environment can be created. It could also result in fundamental changes in pedagogy.

The benefits of e-learning

Besides offering kids a hands-on approach to learning through technology, potentially improving their tech skills at the same time, e-learning also offers kids a more individualized learning experience. Technology also helps make education more common and accessible by allowing more students from various parts of the world to partake. 

According to research, the workspace industry is seeing a rising number of online learners, albeit their numbers are relatively low compared to the ones coming out of traditional classes. Moreover, research also shows that online learning has a generally positive impact on student’s interest in education, especially on the apps that encourage feedback and collaboration. 

The disadvantages of e-learning

The unrealistic expectations formed with e-learning is one of its major drawbacks. Students form an opinion on what to expect from online English speaking courses and when faced with the changes and improvements, the learned often gets disappointed. Technology itself should never be the focus of education but the results it yields when it is integrated into the learning process. 

There is also a point to be made about the social cultures when it comes to allowing children edu-tech. Students, with the help of technology, tend to work individually, robbing themselves of the social and collaborative environment that they could have accessed in a traditional learning environment.

E-learning and cheating

With e-learning, there comes a risk of children taking shortcuts and cheating. It can happen while the children are still in the learning process as they can fast forward chapters that they don’t find interesting.

Testing and Accreditation

Testing and assessing students who have taken online education is also important. The results of accreditation in online classes can be career-defining for the learner and of a critical reputation for the awarding body. Currently, online education portals are providing self-certification and with the help of technologies, the verification of learners is also possible. 

Ed-tech is here to stay despite all its drawbacks. It is only a matter of time and development that online education becomes the new norm for students to learn from.

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