CB PROFITZ and AI to the sites

I’m going to guide you through the ClickBank profit sites and software, and I’m going to show you how you can join up for the registration processes, and how you can establish new sites for your products. All right, so stick with me, and by the end of this video, you should be familiar with how to set up your accounts and how to create multiple sites across our platform and use them to sell your products and make a lot of money, okay, so let’s get started, as you can see, I’m on the landing page, and I’m going to move up to the first page. You’ll see when you’re supposed to join up. So this is the first page where you are asked to choose a template. As you can see, we already have a number of templates ready for you to utilise.

see details and OTO here ==>>

All you have to do is select anyone of your choosing, and then you may preview them first, and then you can make your choice. So I’m just going to preview the first one by clicking on it. If you hover over any of the templates, you’ll notice a button that says see templates all right or a button that says select templates down here, but I assume you’d want to view the templates first. So I’m going to click on the view templates option right here, which takes us to another page where we can see the templates that we want to use. As you can see, this is a pre-made template with some dummy text that you can change, and as you can see, the images and everything on the site resonate with what the site name says there is all right, so right on the top here, we have the logo, and the second thing we have there is a drop-down section where you can select other sites with the same options that you have on this page.

You can see that we have them all right here, which makes things easier for you. You can also see a preview by clicking on any of them. So all of the content and photos you see on this site, as well as the login button and all of these sites, are all editable. You can change them when you log into your account; you can change them and then let them shoot exactly what you want to use them for all right, so they are just made for you, or you can equally choose to use them the way they are already made for you, okay, so, as you can see, this AI CB PROFITZ OTO is a weight loss, product, and uh to use this site. You can access the button by clicking here.

If this site is suitable for you, you should give you want to use this site to you want to use this site for your products. All you have to do is click on this button, which is located in the upper right corner of your screen. That means we should use these templates before we press the button. I’d like to show you something. As you can see, we have a number of buttons here that allow you to test the responsiveness of this website.


You can use this button to see how responsive this page is on any of the screens. We have optimised this site to fit your business and provide your customers and prospective clients with the most comfort when viewing the page. So you can notice that everything is nicely customised, and they get to see everything plainly all right before submitting their details and receiving what you have to offer them. So, I’m going to click on the usage. This template option is right there, and it returns me to the previous page, where I can continue with my sign-up procedure. At this point, all you have to do is input your site’s name and then an optional site URL. I’m going to give this since it’s a, I believe it was the product that was acceptable was a weight loss product.

So I’ll offer you something else to do with weight loss, and I’ll say, wait! Give up! Let’s see, in two weeks, I’m going to give this a shot. Okay, I’ll give it a name. A link, please wait.

It was delayed by two weeks. Okay, and as you enter that title there, you can see that it appears right here to give you a preview of what you’ll get on the other side once you’ve completed the signup process. Okay. When you’re finished with this, you should click the proceed to the next button right here, and under that, you’ll notice a return to home and a login button. You can use this to travel to any of the saved locations, all right, so we click on the proceed to the next step, and you can see we had a horrible day, which shows us our progress, so that leads us to this site.

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