Can you fight to cyberbully through technology?

Many children and teenagers are affected by cyberbullying. A measure that is sometimes difficult to detect, because these actions are carried out in social networks. The new technologies offer various tools to end these behaviors.

The cyberbullying is a concept used when a person suffers persecution for one or more others via the Internet or any electronic device such as mobile phones. These actions, often carried out against minors, are difficult to detect because they occur through a screen, but technology also offers tools to combat them. Here are some of them.


This application was created by the young entrepreneur Trisha Prabhu.

This tool uses the mobile keyboard and detects offensive messages. In the case of detecting such a message, the application recommends not using that type of language and invites reflection on these behaviors.

Friendly Screens

PantallasAmigas is a platform created in 2004 with the mission of promoting safe use of social networks and other technologies.

The objective is to develop educational projects for the training of minors and to cope with any situation in the network.

Over the years, PantallasAmigas has collaborated with various companies and institutions. As is the case of Telefónica that created various campaigns with the help of this platform.

Telephone against cyberbullying

As we mentioned before, Telefónica has participated in various campaigns to combat cyberbullying.

This year the Fundación Telefónica has offered free virtual courses on bullying and cyberbullying. These courses explain what are the prevention and action tools for this type of situation.

Another campaign that has been carried out against these types of actions is the Elegí tend you campaign created by Movistar Argentina. This campaign served to raise awareness among both young people and adults where the difficult situation faced by a minor who is the victim of this type of persecution could be appreciated.


SafeToNet is an application that serves to educate children in real-time. This application alerts children and adolescents if it detects any risk in a social network.

It also can analyze the behavior of users on the network and advises the user in real-time on what to do when faced with a threat on the Internet.


This free application is designed to control and protect the use that minors use on their mobile devices.

It has an online portal where parents can see how their children use the devices and websites. They can also set time limits for the child’s online activity and have a filter that prevents access to inappropriate content.

United against cyberbullying

The technology gives us tools to combat cyberbullying. But not only technology is needed to end these acts.

In case of receiving unwanted messages, it is not necessary to respond to the stalker, and the evidence must be kept to be sent to an adult or an authority that can take care of the situation.

Any threat you receive on any platform you must block and report it to the service of the corresponding application so that they take action in this regard.

For parents who read us, we recommend that they talk with their children about network security and that they use services that provide parental control in order not to run the risk of accessing inappropriate social networks.

With the responsible use of electronic devices and social networks, we can end cyberbullying.