Breaking Free from Plastic: A Guide to Living a Zero Waste Lifestyle


The world produces around 400 million tons of plastic every year, much of which ends up in our oceans, harming wildlife and polluting our environment. As individuals, we can take action to reduce our plastic use and live a zero-waste lifestyle. If you are looking for the best, innovative and eco-friendly products and information, you can visit Cleyx is a company focused on sustainable emerging trends and disruptive innovation. In this guide, we’ll explore Cleyx’s number 1 steps you can take to break free from plastic and live a sustainable life.

Why Go Zero Waste?

Living a zero-waste lifestyle means minimizing the amount of waste you generate, including plastic waste. There are many benefits to living a zero-waste lifestyle, including:

1. Reducing your carbon footprint: By reducing the amount of waste you generate; you can help reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change.

2. Saving money: Living a zero-waste lifestyle often means buying less and choosing reusable items, which can save you money in the long run.

3. Protecting the environment: By reducing your plastic waste, you can help protect wildlife and ecosystems from the harmful effects of plastic pollution.

Steps to Living a Zero Waste Lifestyle

1. Assess your current waste: The first step to living a zero-waste lifestyle is to understand how much waste you currently generate. This can help you identify areas where you can make changes to reduce your waste.

2. Reduce your consumption: One of the keys to living a zero-waste lifestyle is to reduce your consumption of single-use items, especially plastic. Look for reusable alternatives to items like Cleyx’s Rover refillable roll-on, plastic water bottles, straws, and shopping bags.

3. Choose products with less packaging: When you need to buy something, choose products with minimal packaging, or packaging that is recyclable or compostable.

4. Compost your food waste: Food waste is a major contributor to landfill waste. Instead of throwing your food waste in the trash, consider composting it to create nutrient-rich soil for your garden.

5. Recycle properly: When you need to dispose of something, make sure you recycle it properly. This means knowing what items can and cannot be recycled in your area.

6. Choose sustainable transportation: Consider walking, biking, or taking public transportation instead of driving, which can help reduce your carbon footprint.

7. Support sustainable businesses: Look for businesses that prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility, and support them with your purchases.

Zero Waste Products and Alternatives

Living a zero-waste lifestyle often means investing in products that can be used over and over again, rather than single-use items that are thrown away after one use. Here are some zero-waste products and alternatives to consider:

1. Eco-friendly products: Instead of using products made of single-use plastics, use products that are eco-friendly and reusable.

2. Refillable personal-care applicators: Consider reusable skincare product applicators like Rover to avoid single-use plastics.

3. Reusable shopping bags: Instead of using plastic shopping bags, invest in reusable cloth or mesh bags that can be used over and over again.

4. Stainless steel water bottles: Instead of buying plastic water bottles, invest in a stainless-steel water bottle that can be refilled again and again.

5. Beeswax wraps: Beeswax wraps are a sustainable alternative to plastic wrap for food storage.

6. Bamboo utensils: Instead of using plastic utensils, consider using bamboo utensils that can be washed and reused.

7. Reusable coffee cups: Bring your own reusable coffee cup to your favorite coffee shop instead of using a disposable cup.

Zero Waste Kitchen

The kitchen is often a place where a lot of waste is generated. Here are some tips for creating a zero-waste kitchen:

1. Choose bulk food items: Buying bulk food items can help reduce packaging waste. Bring your own reusable bags or containers to the store to fill with bulk items like grains, nuts, and spices.

2. Make your own food: Making your own food from scratch can help you avoid the excess packaging that often comes with pre-packaged foods. Plus, it can be a fun and rewarding way to experiment with new recipes.

3. Use reusable food storage containers: Instead of using plastic bags and wrap to store your food, consider using glass containers or reusable silicone bags.

4. Compost your food scraps: Instead of throwing away food scraps, compost them to create nutrient-rich soil for your garden.

Zero Waste Bathroom

The bathroom is another place where a lot of waste is generated. Here are some tips for creating a zero-waste bathroom:

1. Choose package-free products: Look for personal care products like shampoo bars and soap that come without packaging.

2. Choose biodegradable packages: Look for eco-friendly packaging like Cleyx’s Rover which features throw-away and compostable cartridges pre-filled with natural skincare products.

3. Use reusable cotton rounds: Instead of using disposable cotton rounds to remove makeup or apply toner, consider using reusable cotton rounds that can be washed and reused.

4. Switch to a safety razor: Instead of using disposable razors, consider switching to a safety razor that can be used over and over again.

5. Use a menstrual cup: Menstrual cups are a sustainable alternative to disposable tampons and pads.

Zero Waste Travel

Traveling can be challenging when it comes to living a zero-waste lifestyle, but it’s still possible to make conscious choices that reduce your waste. Here are some tips for traveling sustainably:

1. Pack a reusable water bottle: Bring a reusable water bottle with you to refill instead of buying plastic water bottles.

2. Bring your own toiletries: Instead of using the small plastic bottles of shampoo and soap provided by hotels, bring your own in reusable travel-size containers.

3. Pack a reusable shopping bag: Bring a lightweight reusable shopping bag with you to use for souvenirs or groceries.

4. Bring your refillable skincare companion: Cleyx’s Rover is not only refillable, it is also TSA friendly so you can refill, reuse, and reduce wherever you are.

5. Choose eco-friendly accommodations: Look for hotels and accommodations that prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Challenges and obstacles:

While living a zero-waste lifestyle is an admirable goal, it’s not always easy to achieve. There are a number of common challenges and obstacles that can make it difficult to maintain a waste-free lifestyle. One of the biggest obstacles is convenience. In our fast-paced society, it’s often more convenient to choose single-use plastics and disposable products than to take the time to find sustainable alternatives. Additionally, many eco-friendly products can be more expensive than their less sustainable counterparts, making it challenging for those on a tight budget to prioritize sustainability. Other obstacles may include lack of access to bulk stores or recycling facilities, as well as social pressure to conform to conventional consumer habits. However, with a bit of creativity and determination, it is possible to overcome these obstacles and make sustainable choices. By starting small and making gradual changes, we can reduce waste in our daily lives and inspire others to do the same. Joining a supportive community of like-minded individuals can also provide motivation and encouragement to overcome obstacles and stay on track towards a zero-waste lifestyle.

Benefits of reducing plastic waste:

Reducing plastic waste has a multitude of benefits for both the environment and our own well-being. By cutting down on our plastic consumption, we can reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and pollutes our oceans, harming wildlife, releasing greenhouse emissions, and contributing to climate change. In addition, we can conserve natural resources by choosing reusable options, saving energy and water that would be used in the production and disposal of single-use plastics. On a personal level, reducing plastic waste can improve our health by reducing our exposure to harmful chemicals found in plastics, while also saving us money in the long run by opting for durable, long-lasting alternatives. Embracing a lifestyle that values sustainability and conscious consumption is not only good for the planet, but it also empowers us to make a positive impact and live our lives with purpose and intention.


Living a zero-waste lifestyle is a journey, not a destination. It takes time and effort to break free from our plastic habits, but the benefits are well worth it. By making small changes in our daily lives, we can help protect our planet and create a more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations. If you are looking towards your first step towards zero-waste eco-friendly products, look no further and visit Cleyx.

Abdus Subhan

Abdus Subhan also writes for Nybreaking,, Techbullion, Filmdaily, waterwaysmagazine, Designerwomen, Businesstomark, ventsmagazine, Stylevanity, and other good quality sites. Contact: