A Guide on Caring for Jade Plants: How to Grow Jade Plants

The jade plant, or Crassula ovate as it is often called, is a succulent that is indigenous to South Africa. It is a well-liked plant nursery Adelaide that can withstand drought and has thick, glossy leaves. With the right care, jade plants may live for many years and grow fairly large, up to six feet tall.

Easy to maintain and a wonderful addition to any indoor garden are jade plants. They like an area with plenty of soil that drains well and indirect sunshine. During the growth season, they should get frequent, but not excessive, irrigation and fertilisation. Jade plants should be clipped to preserve their size and form as well as repotted when necessary.

To take care of a jade plant, do the following:

  • Regularly water the plant, but be careful not to overwater it. Since jade plants are succulents, they can withstand some drought, but they still require regular watering to remain healthy. The easiest technique to water a jade plant is to totally wet the soil, then let it dry out before providing further moisture. Jade plants are susceptible to root rot, which will help avoid it.
  • Give the jade plant enough of indirect sunlight where it may grow. Since jade plants are indigenous to desert areas, they require lots of sunshine to flourish. They dislike direct sunshine, too, since it can burn its leaves. The best position is near a window that faces south or west and gets a lot of indirect light.
  • During the growth season, give the jade plant frequent fertiliser. The nutrients the plant needs to develop and thrive will be provided by a well-balanced, all-purpose fertiliser. Do not over fertilize plants as this might result in issues like leaf burn and stunted development.
  • If necessary, report the jade plant. Jade plants don’t require frequent reporting because they grow slowly. It’s necessary to report the plant, though, if it becomes pot-bound or the pot is too tiny for it. Use a container that is somewhat larger than the previous one and a well-draining potting mix.
  • To keep the jade plant’s form and size, prune it as required. Jade plants have a tendency to get rather big over time, so routine trimming will help keep them in check. Cut off any branches or stems that are becoming too long or lanky using clean, sharp pruning scissors. To promote new growth, be careful to make precise cuts directly above a leaf node.

In general, jade plants are low maintenance and a wonderful addition from any online nursery. Your jade plant should flourish for many years with routine watering, appropriate lighting, and sporadic fertilising and trimming.