Brochure; What It Is And Why Your Business Needs It

A marketing brochure is not just a piece of literature but an effective, versatile tool for communicating your products/services and business with your customers in a subtle, reliable, and professional fashion. With the right brochure design, you can personalize your business, build trust with your potential client, and even advertise your future projects or those of your business colleagues in the most cost-effective way. In this article, I will share with you 8 reasons your business needs conversion-obsessed brochures in today’s digital world.

8 Benefits/Purposes Of Brochures To Your business

  • Consistent branding; consistency is key. A single day away can cost you a huge loss of customers. And that is where a digital brochure comes in handy. Once created and published, they stay relevant timelessly advertising your brand’s identity diligently with a laser-focus approach without much investment in terms of effort and time from your end.
  • Budget-friendly; designing a powerful brochure for your campaign is a cost-effective way to advertise and create timeless outreaches. Whist the average brochure design cost is $50 per design for, there are tons of free software available today to create professional-quality brochures right on your mobile phone in minutes. This is a great way to save money for other business activities.
  • Audience-targeted; according to 2016 statistics, 79% of SME businesses reported huge outreach success and high conversion through the adoption of brochures. Whether on your email list or your social media pages or your website, targeting a specific group of your audience is easier done with the right marketing brochure template and targeting. Most design software integrates with your website/email list/social media pages and allows you to carry out a geo-targeting dispensation of your campaign once created.
  • Multiple distribution channels; while other outreach mediums can be made available to your audience online, with a physical brochure, you can reach your audience where they spend most of their time. Brochures can be distributed in malls, stores, newspapers, magazines, exhibition stalls, packaged orders, trade shows, reception areas, kiosks, and the list goes on.
  • Best Choice For Promotional Offers; whether for your newest flash sales or to create effective brand awareness for a startup, brochures are a powerful promotion tool that can bear tear-off offers such as coupons and time-sensitive advertisements than running a Facebook advertisement which is otherwise time-limited and expensive.
  • A Timeless Reference Material; physical brochures especially are a more tangible resource that your customers can always come back to for information about your products. Meanwhile, with e-brochures, your subscribers can receive a real-time update on a promoted event, webinar, or offer.
  • A big small platform; running a Facebook ad or Google ad gives you a limited advertisement page size compared to the unlimited platform that you have on brochures. This enables you to be more descriptive, use more visuals, and dish out your outreaches in the clearest way.
  • Credibility; other than establishing the ground for giving out your contact information, every brochure created is a milestone of credibility