Since high blood pressure typically develops without any obvious symptoms or warning signs, it is known as the “silent ailment.” Since many of the symptoms of high blood pressure overlap with many of the symptoms of other diseases, certain signs and symptoms of high blood pressure may still manifest, but they are all indeterminable. Headaches which are chronic or always worsening are a very surefire symptom of untreated high blood pressure which becomes dangerously high. For consultation with a general medicine doctor for a diagnosis, type “general medicine doctor near me” into the Google search box.

The majority of the time, high blood pressure cannot be detected without a blood pressure monitor, and a headache brought on by high blood pressure is frequently mistaken for a separate headache brought on by stress. It has been noted that people with high blood pressure reported having more headaches, but the research on this has not come to a definitive conclusion. 


An article in the Iranian Journal of Neurology claims that Headaches brought on by high blood pressure often occur on both sides of the head and get worse with increased physical activity. The blood-brain barrier is impacted by high blood pressure, according to the authors, which can result in headaches. According to this study, the blood-brain barrier is impacted by high blood pressure, according to the authors, which can result in headaches. 

However, experts are divided on the opinion on whether or not high blood pressure causes headaches. While some research claim there is no link, others reveal a significant association between the two just like in the article in the Iranian Journal of Neurology. However, as asserted by the American Heart Association (AHA), except in cases of hypertensive crisis, headaches are not a sign of high blood pressure. 

Malignant hypertension, or a hypertensive crisis, is a condition marked by extremely high blood pressure. When you have a hypertensive crisis, your blood pressure rapidly rises to dangerously high levels, putting pressure on your skull. The ensuing headache is distinct from any other migraine or type of head discomfort. Aspirin and other conventional headache medications are unsuccessful in reducing pain. Searching for “general medicine doctor near me” on Google will help you find an internal medicine expert if you have any undiagnosed symptoms that have persisted for too long or don’t go away with over-the-counter treatments.

Malignant hypertension typically has the following symptoms in addition to a headache:

  • Fuzzy vision
  • Chest pain
  • Nausea

You should get to the emergency department of a hospital straight away or dial 911 if you think you’re having a hypertensive crisis. A hypertensive crisis occurs when blood pressure rises suddenly and dramatically, usually up to values of 180/120 mm Hg or higher.

If the blood pressure is high without causing organ damage, the hypertensive crisis is classified as “hypertensive urgency,” and if the blood pressure is high with organ damage, it is classified as “hypertensive emergency.” This condition often requires blood pressure control with IV medications. Except for elevated blood pressure and a minor headache, hypertensive urgency often has no symptoms. 


If someone has both headaches and high blood pressure, they should see a doctor right away because this could mean that they are having a hypertensive crisis. The danger of additional damage to their organs or worse side effects increases if treatment is not started right away. Some of the IV medications that are prescribed during hypertensive emergencies are:

  • Nicardipine
  • Labetalol
  • Sodium nitroprusside

Even if they have already been administered prescription drugs by their health professional, patients must not attempt to lower their blood pressure at home. This might result in unwanted side effects such as disruption of blood flow to the brain. Instead one should immediately visit the emergency department, where medical professionals can assist them in lowering high blood pressure in a secure setting.


Without treatment, a hypertensive crisis can cause severe complications such as: 

  • Chest pain
  • Eye damage
  • Heart attack
  • Kidney damage
  • Excess fluid in the lungs, known as pulmonary edema
  • Seizures
  • Stroke

Therefore, it is vital that a person does not ignore a severe headache and any other symptoms relating to high blood pressure. A person should call 911 for emergency medical treatment if they have these symptoms. They should not wait in the hope that their blood pressure will become lower on its own.

You should talk to your doctor to find out if your high blood pressure is a possible cause of your headaches, and if not, get the root cause treated.


Here are some lifestyle adjustments you can make to lower your risk of experiencing headaches and high blood pressure.

  • One technique to increase circulation and lower stress is to go for a walk first thing in the morning.
  • Consuming a lot of anti-inflammatory meals and green, leafy veggies
  • Potassium and magnesium are essential nutrients for good health.


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