Great Things to Hand Down to Your Younger Family

Keeping family traditions going can be really difficult; getting everyone together in an increasingly busy world can be nearly impossible to achieve, but that doesn’t mean we don’t cherish those family bonds. Another way to keep the family continuity alive is to make sure there are precious heirlooms to hand down and solidify those connections. Maybe you have lots of precious things you’d like to share and aren’t sure how to narrow it down, or maybe you want to create a new heirloom – either way, we hope our list will help you decide what to hand down to the future generations of your family.

  1. Jewellery

Many families love to hand down special pieces of jewellery, carrying years and maybe even generations’ worth of significance and meaning. Whether it’s a wedding or engagement ring, a sentimental silver locket, a bracelet or anything else, these can be wonderful things to pass down that can mean the world to the recipient.

  1. Recipes

Though not every family is hugely into cooking, there are usually at least a few family recipes that are important to family gatherings – and there is more to food than just the food. Often, those special dishes carry a huge emotional importance that brings the family together and instantly brings back great memories. So a great idea for a family heirloom is to gather all those special recipes together and make a family recipe book to be handed down.

  1. Paintings

This could mean a couple of things; either passing down a valuable painting you love, or perhaps if you’re a painter yourself you could even create a new family heirloom and pass down one of your own creations. This could be an especially treasured object by future generations who know their beautiful artwork was created by their own family. Alternatively, passing down any beautiful painting is a lovely addition to the family story and to anyone’s home!

  1. Photo albums

This is perhaps one of the more obvious choices, but in this world of increasingly digitised rather than physical memories, a photo album can be something extra special – especially if you’re continuing a generations long string of photo albums and adding to the family history as well as creating a way to treasure your own memories. Photo albums will be treasured by future generations of your family!

  1. Furniture 

Though these are sometimes big items that can be difficult to transport, that doesn’t mean they aren’t treasured parts of your family history that someone may love to tell their grandchildren about one day. So, take note of what pieces of furniture you own that your family members admire – and when you are buying new furniture, keep in the back of your mind its longevity and whether you may want to hand it down one day. Timeless pieces are the best way to go when shopping for furniture!

Handing down family heirlooms can be a really special moment between family members, and making sure you hand down something truly meaningful is important. Hopefully, this list has helped you decide what you would like to pass down.

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