How To Stop Your Dog’s Bad Habits

We love our dogs but sometimes they drive us crazy with some bad habits like jumping up on you just when you have a hot cup of coffee in your hands or barking incessantly at seemingly nothing.

Certain breeds are active, high-energy dogs that need loads of exercise to stay physically and mentally healthy. Making sure that your pooch gets loads of exercise is the first step to having a tired, well-behaved dog at the end of the day. In addition, here are a few more things you can do.  

  1. Identify the Habit

When it comes to dealing with bad habits in our dogs, it can be frustratingly difficult to get them to change. Fortunately, there are a few key things we can do to help them out. The first step is to identify the habit that’s causing us problems, and then we can work on teaching our dog a new behavior.

Sometimes, it may be as easy as identifying when our dog is behaving incorrectly and rewarding them for the correct behavior. If we see our dog scratching furniture or jumping up on people, for example, we might want to start by reinforcing positive behaviors like sitting quietly or laying down instead of engaging in the unwanted activity. 

Once our dog understands what’s expected of them in these situations, they should be much more likely to follow through with the desired behavior.

If this approach doesn’t work right away, however, there are other methods available to us. For instance, we might try training sessions where we create specific cues for the desired behavior and provide positive reinforcement when our dog follows through. 

  1. Is The Problem Behavioral Or Medical

A lot of times, the reason why your dog is acting up is behavioral. Excessive chewing, digging, and inappropriately defecating are all symptoms of boredom or separation anxiety.

Separation anxiety in dogs is a common behavioral issue that can occur when a dog becomes anxious or distressed when left alone or separated from their owner. This can manifest in a number of ways, including excessive barking, whining, destructive behavior, and attempts to escape. Dogs with separation anxiety may also experience physical symptoms such as diarrhea or loss of appetite.

There are a number of factors that can contribute to separation anxiety in dogs, including genetics, early life experiences, and changes in routine or environment. Some breeds may be more prone to separation anxiety, but any dog can experience it.

If you think your dog may have separation anxiety, it’s important to speak with a veterinarian or a certified animal behaviorist for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Treatment may include behavior modification techniques, supplements or medications, and changes to your dog’s routine or environment. With the right treatment, many dogs with separation anxiety can learn to feel more comfortable when left alone.

  1. Set Up a System

If your dog has a bad habit such as jumping on people or stealing things, you may want to try setting up a system to help stop the behavior. One approach is to use a marker to indicate when the behavior occurs. 

Then, when the marker is activated, you can take appropriate action such as correcting your dog or rewarding them with treats. Another approach is to use a leash and collar to restrict your dog’s movement. This will help keep them from engaging in undesirable behavior.

Step 3: Be Consistent

One of the most important things you can do to help stop your dog’s bad habits is to be consistent with your training. This means following through with your commands and rules no matter what. If you’re consistent, your dog will eventually learn that good behavior is rewarded, and bad behavior is punished.

Step 4: Reward Good Behavior

It can be hard to prevent bad habits from forming in a dog, but rewarding good behavior can help. When your dog does something good, give them a treat or pet. This will help to reinforce the good behavior and make it more likely that your dog will do it again in the future.


It can be difficult to stop a dog’s destructive habits, but with a bit of effort, you can turn your dog into a well-behaved pet. So, there are a few things that you can do to help stop your dog’s bad habits. If your dog is barking excessively, make sure to correct them every time they bark and provide positive reinforcement when they stop. If your dog is chewing on things it shouldn’t, make sure they have plenty of toys and bones to chew on and put away any objects that it shouldn’t have access to.

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