An overview of what broadcast pr is

What is broadcast PR? Broadcast PR is media relations designed to secure a company, product, brand or spokesperson coverage on TV and radio. In more detail, it is basically media relations designed to secure a company, product, brand or spokesperson coverage on TV and radio. Basically, broadcast is fast-paced, something you can have fun with and ultimately extremely rewarding. Agencies should not shy away from as an means of investing in for their brand marketing and PR.

Broadcast PR offer many benefits including awareness, brand positioning, credibility, education, editorial endorsement and is incredibly cost effective too so hence why people and businesses / brands do still for it. This is also why some of the biggest brands in big industries also go for it too. For example, it is also well used and heavily used in sports. A broadcast pr agency will take care of all of this.

It is key you keep things realistic and on point

For the average company, broadcast opportunities can be few and far between. They are notoriously difficult to secure. It simply isn’t a case of picking up the phone. You cannot just insist that Kirsty Wark really should reconsider featuring your ground breaking news.

What happens in the real world

In the real world, it takes time, patience and many days, weeks and even months of planning, along with careful and considered communication to attract the attention of major broadcast outlets. But let’s not forget one small but vital component in all of this; if you really don’t have a strong news story that is relevant, timely and topical, then forget it. Professional PR consultants are well placed to advise you on what is and what isn’t broadcast news.

Make sure you stick to a clear schedule

So your PR agent has helped you to secure a broadcast opportunity. It might be a live radio interview or a pre-recorded TV show. Regardless of the opportunity, you need to remain flexible. Its advisable to reschedule any existing appointments you may have for that day.

Moments like these are few and far between so be prepared to drop everything and give it your absolute full attention. Brief radio interviews shouldn’t cause too much inconvenience. From this, you could be in for a long day if you’re required for pre-recorded TV filming. Things are likely to move very quickly. So from this, don’t be too surprised when a SWOT” team of researchers, film crew and a celebrity presenter descend on you and take over your premises. You simply need to enable this.

Overall – what to do to get the best approach

Freelance film crew, researchers and presenters are often paid on a daily rate. This is so broadcast budgets are carefully managed. You can guarantee that, with the help of a research team, TV directors will already have a clear idea of what shots are required and which locations they think will work best. Directors may also have pre-prepared scripts for presenters to read through (often for the first time) before they go on air. Suggest a sit down meeting with the director and talk through their ideas.

Have some interesting facts and figures to hand and suggest including them. You know your business better than a TV or radio production team with limited research resources so don’t be afraid to suggest alternative recording locations that may be more suitable for broadcast events. This precious time also gives you the chance to anticipate what questions you’re likely to be asked. From here, there is plenty to take into consideration.