9 Things to Keep in Mind About Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth can be a real pain —literally. If you have ever experienced tooth sensitivity, then you know how frustrating it can be. There are many things that can irritate sensitive teeth, from drinking hot or cold beverages, to eating crunchy foods, to brushing your teeth too hard. 

In this article, we will discuss nine things to keep in mind about sensitive teeth so that you can minimize the pain and discomfort that you experience on a daily basis!

  1. Visit a dentist regularly 

If you don’t already visit a dentist regularly, having sensitive teeth is a great reason to make it a habit.  A dentist can help to identify the underlying cause of your sensitive teeth and recommend the best course of treatment. 

Additionally, they will be able to keep an eye on your overall oral health and make sure that there are no other issues that could be causing or exacerbating your tooth sensitivity.

  1. Rinse your mouth with salt water

If you are experiencing pain or discomfort from sensitive teeth, one home remedy that you can try is rinsing your mouth with salt water. This will help to reduce inflammation and swelling in the gums, which can in turn help to reduce sensitivity. 

Salt water is said to help balance pH levels in your mouth, preventing bacteria from taking hold and growing. Simply add a teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water and swish it around your mouth for a minute or two before spitting it out.

  1. Wear a mouthguard at night

If you find that your tooth sensitivity is worse after you wake up in the morning, it could be because you are grinding your teeth in your sleep. This is a condition known as bruxism, and it can cause a lot of damage to your teeth over time. Wearing a mouthguard at night can help to protect your teeth from the effects of Bruxism. 

If you’re interested in learning everything you need to know about using a mouth guard to treat bruxism, check out this article on JS Dental Labs. 

  1. Use a toothpaste specifically made for sensitive teeth

There are many different brands of toothpaste on the market that are specifically designed to help with sensitive teeth. These toothpastes typically contain ingredients like fluoride, which can help to strengthen the enamel on your teeth, or potassium nitrate, which helps to reduce pain and sensitivity. 

  1. Soft bristles only

When brushing your teeth, be sure to use a toothbrush with soft bristles. Hard bristles can actually damage the enamel on your teeth and make them more susceptible to sensitivity. 

Instead, opt for a toothbrush with softer bristles. This will allow you to thoroughly clean your teeth and gums without having to worry about pain, bleeding, or extra sensitivity. 

  1. Avoid problem-causing foods and drinks

There are certain foods and drinks that can trigger tooth sensitivity. These include very hot or cold beverages, acidic foods, sugary snacks, and hard or crunchy foods. 

If you find that a particular food or drink is causing pain in your teeth, try to avoid it as much as possible. This may mean making some changes to your diet, but it will be worth it in the long run!

  1. Try oil pulling 

This is another home-remedy that works wonders for people suffering from sensitive teeth. Oil simply involves swishing oil around in your mouth for a period of time and then spitting it out. This helps to remove bacteria and plaque from your teeth, which can in turn help to reduce sensitivity. 

Try using a tablespoon of liquid coconut oil. Swish it around in your mouth for about thirty seconds and spit it out. As an added bonus, coconut oil even helps to brighten teeth!

  1. Eat more garlic

Garlic is not only great for your overall health, but it can also help to reduce tooth sensitivity. Garlic contains a compound called allicin, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties can help to reduce the pain and discomfort associated with sensitive teeth. 

  1. Try clove oil for pain relief

If you are in pain from sensitive teeth, one home remedy that you can try is clove oil. Clove oil has natural pain-relieving and numbing properties. Add a few drops to a tablespoon of coconut oil, and swish the clove oil around your mouth, allowing the analgesic properties to work their magic. 


Sensitive teeth can be a real pain, but there are many things that you can do to try to reduce the pain and discomfort. From home remedies like oil pulling and swishing with salt water, to using toothpaste specifically designed for sensitive teeth, there are many options available. Be sure to talk to your dentist about what might work best for you, and you’ll be on your way to a pain-free smile in no time!

Michael Caine

Michael Caine is the Owner of Amir Articles and also the founder of ANO Digital (Most Powerful Online Content Creator Company), from the USA, studied MBA in 2012, love to play games and write content in different categories.