One of the essential skills for any business executive is the ability to communicate effectively with their employees and clients. Bad or insufficient communication can have a huge negative impact on an organization, not least in terms of its reputation. However, communication is still something that most organizations struggle with – be it a small family business or a huge multinational. Here are some tips to help you improve your communications and make your organization more effective:
1. Stop using jargon and clichés.
Jargon is among the biggest enemy of effective communication, as it can cause confusion and miscommunication. Jargon is defined as “the special vocabulary used by any profession or trade”. Something that might be useful for one company can actually be detrimental to another. Clichés are phrases that have become so common that they lose most of their meaning.
2. Don’t overload employees with information
As a leader, you will naturally be expected to provide extensive information about your company and its activities. However, ensuring that this information is actually well-received by your staff represents an important challenge. Intranets and communication strategies, such as Simpplr, make it easier for companies to tailor the information employees get in a central location.
3. Be clear and concise
Since the majority of employees have many demands on their time, communication from a leader must be kept as brief and as clear and efficient as possible. If it is difficult to understand what your message is about, you may not be doing well at communicating effectively.
4. Don’t be afraid to be direct
When people feel that they are being listened to and understood by their leaders, they will usually do more than just give their best effort – they will perform better. This is because people feel that their leader has faith in them and is interested in what they have to say.
5. Tailor your message to your audience
An effective leader should consider their audience and tailor their message to it to increase the chances of them listening and understanding. Make sure that you take your audience’s level of education and familiarity with your company, product, or service into account before deciding on the best way to communicate.
6. Use professionally created graphics
Using professionally created graphics and photos can add professionalism to your communication. They will also change the perception of an image you have of your company, as well as being able to easily use information and slogans on them.
7. Make sure that the content is accurate
When you are communicating with large groups of people, your message must be as accurate and objective as possible. Avoid personal opinions and recollections that might inspire an emotional response in your audience.
8. Be consistent in your messaging
Consistency is crucial when communicating with employees and clients to demonstrate the coherence of your company’s vision and strategy. To achieve consistency, it is recommended to use a communications plan that includes all communication sources, such as emails, intranet content, press releases, presentations, etc. Poor communication can have a significant negative impact on organizations because it hampers performance. Following the tips above can help you improve your communication skills and thus your company’s performance.