In general, Americans are not super healthy. Studies show that over 70% of Americans are overweight, the majority of which, are obese. Furthermore, we spend way too much time sitting, in front of screens, and consuming things that are bad for us.
Obviously, being healthy isn’t just about falling under a certain weight bracket or BMI category. Being a healthy person applies to your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
We’re here to help you maintain health in all the ways that count. Keep reading for seven tips for living a healthy life.
1. Learn How to Minimize Stress
We live in a fast-paced, demanding world. Between work, family, friends, and other obligations, some of us hardly have time to take a breath. Though this lifestyle is sometimes necessary for pursuing goals and finding success, it can also lead to debilitating stress, anxiety, and depression.
Reducing stress and taking care of your mental health is one of the most important aspects of learning how to maintain health. At least 60% of Americans deal with stress and anxiety on a daily basis.
Fortunately, there are things you can do to combat these issues. This includes exercising, meditating, breathing exercises, getting counseling, and more.
2. Be Active
Exercising is one of the most important things you can do to maintain health. As noted above, it’s also great for reducing stress (including the symptoms of depression). It’s important to be active, which keeps your muscles, bones, and joints strong.
Most people have sedentary jobs, which is why it’s important to incorporate a workout routine into your weekly schedule. We recommend focusing on increasing/maintaining your lean muscle mass and improving your cardiovascular health.
Resistance training has a myriad of benefits, such as:
- Increased strength
- Stronger bones
- Faster metabolism
- Improved flexibility
- Better balance
- And more
Cardio training is vital for keeping your heart and lungs healthy. If you’re new to working out, start with three 30 to 45-minute sessions a week. Getting enough exercise is vital for your physical health.
3. Drink Plenty of Water
Staying properly hydrated is a key element to living a healthy life. First, our bodies are made of about 60% water.
As such, it demands adequate hydration to carry out the endless function of the body. This includes everything from cell production to breathing, sweating, and excreting waste.
Furthermore, if you’re dehydrated, you’re muscles will be starved of blood, oxygen, and hydration. This can lead to fatigue and weakness, particularly while being active.
Finally, if you allow yourself to become dehydrated, your body is more likely to retain water when you do hydrate. This can lead to bloating and unnecessary weight gain.
4. Eat Good Foods
There are a lot of ways people sabotage their own health. One of the most common ways people fail to maintain health is by fueling their bodies with unhealthy foods.
Think of your body as a high-performance sports car. You may not feel particularly fit or healthy, but your body is capable of endless functions and potential. Therefore, it requires premium fuel, rather than junk food and empty calories.
To maintain optimal health, adopt a nutritional diet with an emphasis on whole foods. These include:
- Lean meats (poultry, fish, game meat)
- Whole grains
- Beans, legumes, and lentils
- Nuts and seeds
- Fruits
- Vegetables
These types of foods have tons of vitamins and minerals that help your body thrive. Junk food, on the other hand, is typically full of added sugars and fat.
It’s especially important to avoid sugary drinks. These overload your body with immediate energy (sugar) which your body can’t use. Instead, it releases insulin and stores the excess sugar as fat.
5. Get Regular Health Checkups
To maintain health in all areas of your life, we recommend getting regular checkups. However, this doesn’t just mean seeing your doctor. This also applies to getting your oral health checked out by a dentist, getting regular teeth cleanings, etc.
For some reason, this is difficult for many people. We lead busy lives and constantly choose to skip out on important checkups with health professionals. While we are empathetic to your busy life, we highly recommend making time for going to the doctor and dentist.
Check out Choice MD to find local doctors, dentists, and other health specialists.
6. Take Time for Self-Care
One of the most important aspects of living a healthy lifestyle is learning how to take care of yourself in ways that no one else can. This is called self-care.
Self-care comes in many different forms. The main principle, however, is to do what makes you happy, relaxed, and fulfilled.
For some people, this includes lifting weights, doing yoga, jogging, hiking, or otherwise being active. For others, it could be getting manicures, pedicures, and facials. Some people just need time to sit on the couch and watch TV or play video games.
Regardless of what self-care looks like to you, make sure you get plenty of it throughout your week. You can’t take care of others if you aren’t taking care of yourself.
7. Get at Least Seven Hours of Sleep
Finally, understand that to maintain health, you have to get plenty of sleep. Anything less than seven hours of sleep a night is considered sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation comes with a whole host of health problems, such as:
- Fatigue
- Weight gain
- Inability to focus
- Irritability
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Impaired memory
- Physical weakness
- And more
Once again, we understand the endless demands of the modern lifestyle. However, you must make getting enough sleep a top priority. Conveniently, incorporating other healthy lifestyle habits, such as eating healthy and exercising, will help you get better sleep.
Looking for More Tips on How to Maintain Health?
As you can see, learning how to maintain health and fitness isn’t particularly difficult or demanding. All it takes is a little know-how, forethought, and self-discipline.
If you’re looking for more guidance, we can help. Check out some of the other articles in our health blog. Our website was designed with the goal of providing people like you with all the information they need for a happy, healthy, and successful life.