4 Key Threat Intelligence Points Your Business Should Review

There’s  hardly a day when we don’t wake up reading headlines about cyberattacks. Cyberattacks have increased drastically with the onset of the pandemic and the rise in remote work. But the major concern is the lack of threat intelligence providers in companies which makes it difficult to prevent these attacks. Having Threat Intelligence in place helps to inform about the potential risk and mitigate its effect. There are multiple -levels at which businesses can review Threat Intelligence, and we’ll talk about a few points your business should consider for better evaluation.

Key areas to determine for effective Threat Intelligenece system

1.Does it provide comprehensive coverage?

Most companies believe that protecting in-house computers is sufficient. If you believe that protecting a few computers within the organizations and those in top-managerial positions will prevent hackers from getting access to pertinent information, it’s not true. You should make sure that all the endpoint devices, such as smartphones, laptops, etc., within the company are also protected.

Today a large percentage of companies are working remotely. If you are working with third-party vendors. Are there systems protected? It is seen that most cyberattacks are initiated from systems outside the company.


2.Is it compatible to handle present-day threats?

Cybercrimes have evolved over the last few years. With the advent of technology, hackers have become robust and advance. Moreover, they know that people have become more aware of cyberattacks today; hence they look for vulnerabilities often ignored. Look forThreat Intelligence solution that is dynamic enough to handle present-day threats.

As the malware practices are evolving, so is Threat Intelligence. Therefore, it should be updated according to the market needs and address the potential threats.


3.Is it specifically designed for your industry?

The financial agency has different threats as compared to local business. Hence the Threat Intelligence should be industry-specific since each industry has its own threats. Threat Intelligence solution takes everything into account to address the potential threats associated with your industry when it is specifically designed for it.


4.Does it address risks automatically and quickly?

IT professionals can’t continually be educated and determine the potential risk associated. Hence, Threat Intelligence software should be automated to address the issues immediately. The more quickly your respond to these threats, the more the chances you can handle them. Having robust and up-to-date technologies can help you prioritize the important vulnerabilities which have a serious impact on the functioning of your business.

Threat Intelligence helps you create a strong environment to work with third-party vendors, provide real-time alerts on threats, and give you the context you need to evaluate your security systems.