Why Is It Essential to Provide “Employee of The Month” Trophy?

Employees are the most important asset of any company. They are valued for professional success, skills and personal qualities through various employee recognition awards and incentives. Such rewards are the golden key for a manager to improve the overall order and productivity of his business. Handing over various recognition awards during “Employee of the month programs” birthdays, work anniversary and other special occasions are the best possible motivation for all the workers.

Usually, companies offer discretion, custom trophy and award, gratitude, and other valuable gifts to their workers in case they achieve high-performance indicators, personal professional heights and similar merits, which directly affect the positive and fruitful activities of the company.

Managers reward their employees to create positive motivation for the awarded employee and the entire team as a whole. When colleagues of an employee are assigned to an award, he has been praised for good and conscientious work. Most importantly, the award-winning employee begins to increase his commitment to the company to which he devotes his time and energy. A high percentage of commitment to his work perceives the interests of the company, which further helps in improving the sales of the company. That is why it is essential to organize “employee of the month” programs.

In this guide, we will discuss in detail – why it is important to organise “employee of the month” programs. So, let’s have a look.

Table of Content
Benefits of Employee of the Month Awards
  1. Increase Productivity
  2. Build a Positive Workplace
  3. Improve Employee Motivation
  4. Create a Collaborative Environment
  5. Increase Profitability
  6. Acts as an Inspiration for Others
  7. Retain the Best Talents
Bottom Line
Benefits of Employee of the Month Awards

1. Increase Productivity

Well, employee recognition award and trophy is one of the most effective ways to encourage them. Without a sense of investment and pride in their work, they are unengaged and uninterested. Once the employees feel appreciated for their work, they will feel motivated and give their 100 % to work and finish what needs to be done on time. This will result in more production from employees. Recognition awards are the greatest way to improve employee engagement by appreciating them for their accomplishments and hard work. Being recognised for a job well done is a manageable way to make employees feel more invested in your company. When your employee feels like a valued individual of the organization, you will see a significant improvement in their willingness to go beyond achieving more.

2. Build a Positive Workplace

Nowadays, focusing on building a company culture is extremely important. Offering various awards and trophies to employees for their hard work will help them to know more about the company’s culture. A positive culture will allow them to put more and extra effort into their work. Organizations that engage their employees and create a strong culture are more profitable in the long run. Therefore, by developing employee recognition programs like trophies and awards, you will be recognized for exemplary performance, safe workplace behaviours and more.

3. Improve Employee Motivation

Recognizing employees for their work and contribution will encourage and reinforce the behaviours that make your business successful. Therefore, it is essential to build a culture of appreciation in the workplace in order to build long-term relationships for mutual success. Implementing an employee recognition program is a great way to appreciate and value your coworkers. Frequent and public employee recognition can also make a significant impact on employee happiness and overall satisfaction, which helps in strengthening relationships. Always remember that a happy and satisfied employee will feel more motivated and perform at the highest levels in order to achieve the business’ goals.

4. Create a Collaborative Environment

Handing over something useful like awards, trophies, plaques and other various corporate gifts will help in creating a collaborative work environment. When a manager offers such recognition awards during an employee’s birthday, work anniversary or appreciating them during “employee of the month” program can encourage and reinforce the behaviour for making the business successful. Having an adopted culture in the workplace also helps in removing the barriers to collaboration and mutual success. This concludes that awards and trophies come in to bring people together with support and respect.

5. Increase Profitability

According to Gallup, “employee engagement is strongly connected to business outcomes essential to an organization’s financial success, such as productivity, profitability and customer engagement. Engaged employees support the innovation, growth and revenue that their companies need.” Usually, employee recognition arrangements present engagements at the workplace. When an employee does a great job, you can create an atmosphere in which people perceive honoured and invested in the company. Creating custom awards help in generating more results and applying the brainpower of employees to the job. When people invest and are involved in their work, they genuinely want to work harder than other employees.

6. Acts as an Inspiration for Others

Everyone pictures motivation from people who do a magnificent job and are honoured for their accomplishments. Similarly, when you choose an effective recognition award for any employee and handing it over during a special and memorable day will not only motivate the other employees but also allow you to perform best for naming yourself in the next event. This is an inspirational way to engage people in a healthy competition further nurturing their skills and abilities. It further helps the organisation to grab the competitive edge over its competitors.

7. Retain the Best Talents

One of the prime reasons for employees resigning their organisation is the poor culture of appreciation. In modern trends, every employee wants to value and appreciate their efforts, which can be possible only through employee recognition awards. Offering various corporate gifts, awards, trophies, and plaques to employees for their hard work will allow them to add more professional experience. Motivating and appreciating your employees’ frequently for their small accomplishments will provide a reason to stay connected to their organisation. Thus supporting employers maintain their best talents and create a better work culture within the organisation.

Bottom Line

Gratitude and recognition for an employee is an important aspect for improving the work environment. The more you focus on this strategy, the more likely you will achieve better results in just a few months when employees will give their 100% in work. The crystal trophy in Singapore is best for employees and teams. Therefore, it is recommended to choose recognition awards and trophies from a well reputable organisation, so you may not be behind in quality.